My Quarantine Bucket List

Last month I turned 39 and was so excited to share and get started on my 40 Before List. Then COVID-19 canceled EVERYTHING. Many of the items on my list were travel goals and events I wanted to host and group fitness classes I wanted to attend. To make matters worse, I’m also dealing with a tough health issue that has nothing to Coronavirus but that could also make travel and being in large groups impossible for me this year.

After pouting about this for several days I decided to replace my 40 Before 40 List with a Quarantine Bucket List, a list of things to do while I shelter in place and practice social distancing.

I got this idea from StyleBlueprint, one of the publications I write for. So, be sure to check out the StyleBlueprint Quarantine Bucket List for inspiration for your own list.

Here’s my Quarantine Bucket List:


See Jane Write Turns 9!

Today is the 9th anniversary of See Jane Write or as I prefer to say — today is Jane’s birthday!

Nine years ago today I met about a dozen women for dinner at a local Mexican restaurant because I wanted to start a little local writing group for women.

See Jane Write was born.


How I Work from Home Successfully

I’ve been working from home since June 3, 2019, which I counted as my first official workday as a full-time writerpreneur after I quit my teaching job on May 24.

So when the COVID-19 pandemic pushed many employers to allow any of their employees that could do their jobs remotely to work from home, not much changed for me (on that front, at least).

For those of you who are working from home for the first time, here’s how I’m managed to successfully work from home in the past 9 months or so.


Writing Prompts to Help You Keep Calm and Fight Anxiety

In some ways, I was already preparing for COVID-19 and I didn’t even know it. A self-proclaimed germaphobe, I already had hand sanitizer in every handbag and stashed everywhere in my house. I already washed my hands obsessively. I’ve been working from home since June. And, whenever possible, I was already opting for going for walks outside instead of on the treadmill at the gym.

I was also already using writing as a way to calm my anxiety.


7 Things Writers Can Do During the Coronavirus Crisis

This isn’t the post I’d planned to write for today. This isn’t the post I wanted to write for today. To be honest, I wanted to pretend the Coronavirus crisis wasn’t happening— not because I’m a bury my head in the sand kind of girl but because I’m dealing with so much trauma and grief in my personal life right now for reasons that have nothing to do with COVID-19 that the idea of dealing with all that and worrying about a global health pandemic seemed more than I could bear.

But as the founder of See Jane Write it is my responsibility to show up. I’m not a doctor. I’m not an official from the CDC. I can’t answer your questions about the intricacies of Coronavirus. Like you, I’m just out here washing my hands, practicing social distancing as much as possible, and trying not to touch my face. (No, I’m not hoarding toilet paper.) But I can tell you how I think we as writers can try to make the best of a horrible situation.

Here are 7 things writers can do during the Coronavirus crisis.
