4 Things You Should Do This Month

December is the new January.

For a long time that was a motto of mine about the final month of the year. This mantra meant that in December I should start setting myself up for a successful new year.

But in 2020, December is the new January simply means I want to pretend this dumpster fire of a year is already over!

Regardless of your attitude about December, there are four things I think every writer should do this month.


2020 #BlogLikeCrazy All-Stars

Each year, I challenge any blogger who wants to play along to join me in publishing a new blog post every day for 30 days in the month of November. I call this challenge #BlogLikeCrazy and I’m so glad that each year several brave bloggers step up to the challenge.

Today I salute the 2020 #BlogLikeCrazy All-Stars — the bloggers who succeeded in giving their readers new content every day in November.


December 2020 Goals & Plans

So here we are. It’s December — the final month of the most craptastic year of my life. Nonetheless, I’m determined to make the most of this month and finish the year strong.

Here’s how you can, too.


Your Home, Your Story

My #1 goal for December has nothing to do with writing. My top priority for next month is to deep clean and de-clutter my house. And I will be making plans for redecorating and revamping our landscaping in 2021.

One thing that 2020 has taught me is there’s no place like home.
