2022 Word of the Year

Did you have a word of the year for 2021? Have you chosen a word for 2022?

This is a practice I started nearly 10 years ago.

Back in 2013, I chose three words — joy, communion, and gratitude.

Through the years I’ve chosen words such as “magic” and “faith.”

I usually spend the first half of December choosing my focus word for the upcoming year. December is such a peculiar month for us all as we find ourselves simultaneously looking back and longing to move forward. For me, choosing a word of the year is a part of this.


7 Reasons You Need to Join a Writing Group & 7 Writing Groups to Consider

Joining a writing group can be a game-changer for your writing.

In her book Writing Down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg says that we writers need to write with the whole world in our arms. I’ve long understood the importance of community for writers. In fact, that’s why I started See Jane Write.

I had just moved back to my hometown of Birmingham, Alabama, and I was looking for a writing group for women, one that would welcome multi-passionate writers who love poetry, creative non-fiction, blogging, and more. But I couldn’t find one. I searched for TWO YEARS. Then finally in 2011, I decided to start my own.

See Jane Write was born. And what started as a group for Birmingham-based writers, now has members across the country and around the world.

There are different types of writing groups. Some meet in person. Some meet virtually. Others do both. But the goal is the same — a group of writers gathers to write, give feedback, and offer encouragement.

Joining a writing group should definitely be on your end-of-the-year to-do list.


How to Write Affirmations That Work

If you want to learn how to write affirmations that actually work and that can help you achieve your goals and make your wildest dreams come true, I can be your guide. But this wasn’t always the case.

Back in the day, I thought affirmations were a waste of time. I had been making positive declarations first thing in the morning or just before bed, but each time I did I felt like a fraud. I didn’t believe a word that was coming out of my mouth.

Then one day that all changed.
