How to Network Like a Boss

network like a boss

*The following post is a sneak peek from Week 5 of my new e-course Lady Blogger to Boss Lady. To learn more and enroll, visit

As a writer and blogger I do a lot of online networking in Facebook groups, in Twitter chats, via email, and even in the comments section of my favorite blogs. But I do my best networking when I step away from the computer and attend live, in-person events.

Many of the women writers and bloggers I know hate networking so much that it makes them sick to their stomachs — literally. But when armed with a purpose and a plan, networking can be highly effective and productive and even fun.

Here are 7 tips to help you network like a boss:

Attend events that will attract your ideal reader/customer. You’re a busy woman with no time to waste. So do your research and be sure that the networking event you’re attending is one where you’ll actually find people who would be interested in your blog, book, or business.

A cute pair of shoes could be a great conversation starter at your next networking event. (Photo by Chanda Temple)
Cute shoes could spark great conversation at networking events. (Photo by Chanda Temple)

Make a fashion statement. Whether you like it or not, what you wear to a networking event matters. You’ve got to look the part to get the role. Choose an outfit that properly represents your personal brand and that helps you feel confident and comfortable. Also, add something to your outfit that will make you memorable such as fun shoes, a statement necklace, or really interesting handmade earrings. I once had a pair of earrings inspired by the Boondocks comic strip that always sparked conversation at networking events. Wear the right thing and your wardrobe can serve as your ice breaker!

Have a plan. Approach each networking event with a specific goal, such as, I will collect the business cards of at least 5 people who might be interested in joining my email list. Having a clear objective will keep you from wandering aimlessly around the room and will help you focus your conversation. You know that you need to eventually talk to people about your blog, book, or business to gauge their interest in what you do. Once it’s clear they’re interested in learning more, ask for their card and ask if it would be OK for you to add them to your list, while explaining briefly what they’ll get out of your newsletter. (But be sure to ask questions about what they do and genuinely listen. You don’t want to make the conversation all about you because that’s annoying and just plain rude.)

business cards

Bring business cards. Have your business cards in an easy-to-reach space (not the bottom of your bag) but don’t walk into an event making it rain with your cards. Only give your card when someone asks for it.

Make smart talk, not small talk. So many of my blog coaching clients tell me they hate networking because they’re bad at making small talk. Well, stop making “small talk.” Try having meaningful conversations instead. Give yourself an assignment, if necessary. Decide that you’re going to write a blog post highlighting 5 interesting people you meet at the event. This will motivate you to ask questions to really get to know the people you meet and to get their business cards so you can contact them later for follow-up questions, a photo, and permission to include them in your post.

Also, tailor your conversations to the personality of the person with whom you are talking. For example, if you’re talking to someone who is an outgoing community leader or CEO, simply get to the point. She probably has a dozen other people she needs to talk to and another networking event to attend before the night is over. If you’re talking to someone who is a cheerleader, the kind of person who loves to support other people, keep the conversation focused on why you do what you do and be sure to ask her the motivation behind her work as well.

Be inviting. If you’re talking to a group of people, don’t stand in a closed-off circle. Position yourself so that your group is inviting to others. And if you’re the one who welcomes the wallflowers this will certainly make you more memorable, too.

Follow up! As soon as you get home go through the business cards you collected and jot down a few notes on each person — who they are, what they do, and how you’d like to work with them in the future. Within three days of the event follow up with an email. In the email ask the person if you may add her to your mailing list. Also, offer something to show you were really listening during your conversation at the networking event such as a link to an article related to something you discussed. This also shows that you are dedicated to helping people and that you offer valuable content to those in your tribe.

What tricks and tips do you have for effective networking? 

*This post is an excerpt from Week 5 of my new e-course Lady Blogger to Boss Lady. To learn more and enroll visit

How to Take Yourself Seriously As a Blogger & Businesswoman

Megan LaRussa Chenoweth truly inspired me to take myself seriously as a blogger and businesswoman. Here we are pictured at the first Bloganista Mini-Con.

*The following post is a sneak peek from Week 1 of my new e-course Lady Blogger to Boss Lady. To learn more and enroll, visit

On July 19, 2014 I hosted my first day-long blogging conference, the Bloganista Mini-Con. Nearly 100 people were in attendance. We had networking, food, vendors, informative panel discussions and compelling keynote speakers and a professional photographer capturing it all. During the conference I kept whispering to my husband, “This actually feels like a real conference.” Eventually he said to me, “Javacia, this is a real conference.”

Megan LaRussa Chenoweth, the afternoon keynote speaker at that event, said something that day that truly stuck with me. “It’s not enough to be stylish bloggers,” she said. “We must also be smart businesswomen.”

I had a revelation in that moment. The reason my blog wasn’t growing as a business in the way that I wanted it to was in part because I wasn’t taking myself seriously as a businesswoman. After that day I shifted my mindset. I developed what I now call the “Boss Lady Blogger Mindset” and six months later I received an email from the Birmingham Business Journal informing me I had been chosen as one of their Top 40 Under 40 for 2015. I am convinced that learning to take myself seriously as a businesswoman made all the difference.

If you want other people to take you seriously as a businesswoman, you have to take yourself seriously first.

But what does this look like? How do we go about living out this idea of taking ourselves seriously as bloggers and businesswomen before we’ve “made it”?

Here are five things I believe will get you there:

Be professional. Treat your blog like your job. Most people don’t want to hear this because most people hate their jobs and obviously don’t want to start hating their blogs, too. But if you’re serious about blogging you have to show up and do the work. You have to develop a blogging schedule and stick with it, even when you don’t feel like it. Just as you’d never call your boss and say, “You know, I just don’t feel like coming to work today,” you can’t do that with your blog.

Be confident. You must be confident about who you are and what you do. One way to get that confidence is by producing good work. I live by the motto of “Be intentional or be quiet.” Never post for the sake of posting. Be sure everything you write serves a purpose and adds some type of value to your reader, even if that value is just inspiration or entertainment.

Be clear on your goals. People who aren’t bloggers most likely won’t understand what you’re doing or why you’re doing it. So you better make sure that you do! You need a vision for your blog and clearly defined goals for your career as a writer and blogger. Knowing what you’re doing, why you’re doing and where you’re headed will also work wonders for your confidence. Having vision is so important that I recently hired a business coach to specifically help me in this area.

Be eager to learn. Once I got serious about turning my blog into a business I signed up for every program I could afford to learn more about marketing and managing online businesses and membership sites. I started working with a business coach and a brand strategist. And I watched a countless number of free webinars. If you’re going to get serious, you have to get educated.

Be a servant. Even if you’re a fashion blogger posting pictures of what you wear each day or a fitness blogger sharing your daily workouts and meal plans, YOUR BLOG IS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU. I truly believe that to be successful and to be taken seriously you need to think about others. You need to consider how the content you’re producing is helping others.

*This post is an excerpt from Week 1 of my new e-course Lady Blogger to Boss Lady. To learn more and enroll visit


4 Investments Lady Bloggers Should Make This Month

invest in yourself

If you want to turn your blog into a business, you need to act like it! And one of the things you’ll need to do is invest in your blog and invest in yourself. Here are 4 investments you should consider making this month:

Lady Blogger to Boss Lady E-Course

lady blogger to boss lady

Enrollment for my new e-course Lady Blogger to Boss Lady opens Saturday. This 7-week course will help you develop your best blog yet and show you how to turn that blog into a business without relying on ad sales or sponsored posts. A value of $497, I’m offering this beta version of the course for only $75! Plus, if you sign up for my Lady Blogger VIP list you’ll receive a discount. If you’ll be in the Birmingham area Saturday, Sept. 12, be sure to register for my Lady Blogger to Boss Lady kickoff event for an even BIGGER discount. (Only 6 tickets remaining for this free event.)

Social Media Training

carrie social media
Nothing says social media like photographing food!

Writer, blogger and social media maven Carrie Rollwagen is offering a social media workshop on Saturday, Sept. 19 specifically for those building a small business or personal brand. The workshop is  an overview of social media marketing and an introduction to all kinds of social media tools. This daylong session will help you find the social media strategy that’s right for your small business or personal brand and give you the inspiration to get started. Topics covered include: Managing websites and blogs; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest; basic keyword optimization techniques; scheduling and organizing; and much more. Tickets are $100 and include lunch. Use the code BHAMJANES for a 20% discount. Class meets Saturday, September 19 at Innovation Depot from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Innovation Depot is located 1500 1st Ave N #31, Birmingham, AL 35203. Get more details and register here:

A Self-Hosted Site

Moving to a self-hosted WordPress site was one of the best investments I ever made in my blog and business. After revamping my website people instantly started to take me and See Jane Write more seriously. If you need help setting up your self-hosted site, WPBeginner offers a free service through which they’ll do it for you FOR FREE as long as you purchase your web hosting using one of their affiliate links. Get more information here.

A Theme As Lovely As You Are

Perhaps you already have a self-hosted WordPress site, but you’re just not happy with the look of your blog. BluChic can help with that. BluChic offers beautiful WordPress themes designed specifically with female bloggers and business owners in mind. I use a BluChic theme for the See Jane Write website and my portfolio site. Themes are $79 and BluChic offers a number of other design elements, too. Click here to visit Bluchic (affiliate link).

I know that investing in all four of these in one month may not be feasible for most people. So decide which investment will be most beneficial for your blog and your business and go for it!

How will you invest in your blog and business this month? 


A Day of Blogging and Barbecue

nothing will work unless you do

Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Full Moon Bar-B-Que, but all opinions are my own.

Happy Labor Day Lady Bloggers, Boss Ladies, and Writeous Babes!

My Labor Day will live up to its name as I will be hard at work all day. I have blog posts to write, emails to answer, and events to plan. And, of course, I’ll be preparing for the launch of my new e-course Lady Blogger to Boss Lady. Can you believe enrollment opens THIS SATURDAY?!

Just because I’m working all day today doesn’t mean you should, too. My days of calling myself Javacia “No Days Off” Bowser are long gone. Even a girl boss needs to take a break. The only reason I’m spending my holiday working is because I didn’t do any work AT ALL this weekend.

In fact, I spent most of Saturday watching college football. ROLL TIDE!

roll tide

Just as runners training for a marathon (or football players prepping for a big game) need to take rest days, so do women chasing their dreams.

I know that when you’re doing what you love it can sometimes actually be tough to take a break. A labor of love doesn’t feel like work. But a break is important nonetheless.

I used to have an all-work, no-play attitude. Then I hit the wall. I broke down. I got burned out and discouraged and wanted to quit EVERYTHING. Even my health was affected. It was not pretty and a lot of crying was involved.

After that I committed to taking off one day every week and that has made all the difference. I think you’ll find it actually makes you better at what you do. Writers and artists call these breaks a creative pause because as you’re resting you’re actually allowing your creativity to flow more freely. So when you get back to work your ideas will be bigger and better.

I don’t always keep my promise to myself to take a day off and when I don’t I certainly notice a difference — the tears and self-doubt quickly come back.

Even today I took a break from my to-do list to grab lunch at Full Moon Bar-B-Que with the hubster because no holiday is complete without barbecue.

FullMoonBBQ Break

edd and his ribs

This fall I will most likely spend my days off watching football…and eating barbecue. If that sounds like a good idea to you, too, be sure to check out Full Moon’s tailgate menus specially designed for Alabama and Auburn fans.

Follow Full Moon Bar-B-Que on Instagram @fullmoonbbq!


Quad menu 2015

Quad menu 2015 2

Auburn Tailgate Menu Auburn Tailgate Menu 2

How did you spend your Labor Day? What do you do on your days off? 

A September to Remember

september to remember

I’m pretty sure my husband thinks I’m crazy. He thinks I’m doing way too much!

The past month has been filled with trying times for our family for a myriad of reasons. To say I’ve been stressed would be quite the understatement. So it would make sense for me to take it easy in September.

But that’s not how I roll.

In the interest of self-care, I will be getting a massage in September, but I’m also hosting not one, not two, but THREE See Jane Write events! (Maybe I am crazy!)

lady blogger to boss lady

On September 12 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the Homewood Public Library, I’ll be hosting another Lady Blogger to Boss Lady master class on how to turn your blog into a business. This event will also be the kick-off for the launch of my Lady Blogger to Boss Lady e-course. This event is free, but registration is required. RSVP here.

scandal watch party promo

On September 24 from 7 – 9 p.m. at the Wine Loft See Jane Write will throw its first Scandal watch party! And this will be a Scandal watch party unlike any other!

Of course, there will be networking but also I’ll be giving a10-minute master class appropriately titled “How to Be the Olivia Pope of Blogging.”

At 8 p.m. we’ll watch the season premiere of ABC’s Scandal while enjoying red wine drink specials from Wine Loft and delicious popcorn by Naughty But Nice, A Kettle Corn Co.

This is a free event, but space is limited. RSVP here via Facebook.

Amy Bickers edit

And on September 29 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at DISCO we will host a memoir writing seminar with Amy Bickers, author of The Geography of You and Me: A Memoir. 

Bickers will share the story of how she completed her memoir in spite of obstacles and objections and how she funded the publication of her book through Kickstarter.

If you’ve been thinking of writing a memoir but you’re not sure where to start, you don’t want to miss this event. If fear is holding you back from completing or publishing your memoir, Bickers will give you the courage you need to move forward. And if you need tips on how to run a successful Kickstarter campaign, Bickers will tell you how she raised more than $13,000 to fund the publication of her book. Learn more about Bickers and order tickets to this workshop here.

In addition to all these events, I’ll also be hosting weekly #SeeJaneScope workshops on Periscope. Tuesday at 7 p.m. I’ll do a special broadcast to help you set your blogging, business, and writing goals for September.

WBL September Invitation

Also, please join me at the next Women Business Leaders meeting, 6 to 8 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 3 at the Homewood Public Library. I’ll be speaking on finding freedom through faith and feminism.

What are you doing to make next month a September to Remember?