On Blogging, Business, and Running in the Rain

run in the rain

I woke up Monday morning determined to get in a 2-mile run before the end of the day. Rainy days and a busy schedule had kept me from pounding the pavement for a few days and I’m trying to get back into the groove of running so I can register for a few big races next year.

The elements were against me. Thanks to the end of Daylight Savings Time I knew it’d be pitch black before 6 p.m. and because of a little run-in a sports car had with my rear end back in 2008, I’m terrified of running at night. But I left work on time (I’m a teacher and can technically leave at 3:06 p.m. but rarely ever do) and made it home and changed into my running gear before 4 p.m.

But there was another problem. Those same clouds that had been raining on my parade for the past few days were threatening to do so again. I considered putting on one of my favorite fitness DVDs and giving up on my run but something inside rebelled against that idea.

So I headed out the door.


Member of the Month: Stephanie Naman

The See Jane Write Member of the Month for November is author and blogger Stephanie Naman.


By day, Stephanie is the VP/Creative Director at the advertising agency Luckie & Company, where she works with big-name clients like Regions Bank, Little Debbie, and Alabama Power. By night, she’s the author behind the mother-daughter mysteries Murder on the First Day of Christmas and Murder in a Two-Seater

And recently Stephanie launched a new blog — Auntie Venom, a website for teen girls aimed at “taking the sting out of growing up.”

I am tempted to try to write something to show you that Stephane is one of the smartest and funniest women writers that I know. But I think letting her speak for herself will get the job done.


It’s Time to #BlogLikeCrazy

As a non-fiction writer with lots of fiction writer friends, November can be a lonely month for me. Most of my friends are locked away in their home offices or metaphorically chained to a table at their favorite coffee shop working on novels for National Novel Writing Month. So a few years ago I decided to start #bloglikecrazy – a challenge for myself and other bloggers to publish 30 original posts in 30 days in the month of November.

time to blog like crazy


Bouncing Back After Burning Out

women who inspire
On Oct. 8 I was honored by Girls on the Run Birmingham as one of four local “Women Who Inspire,” along with Girls on the Run founder Molly Barker. Now I’m ready to live up to the title of “INSPIRATIONAL.”

I feel as if this shift happened overnight, but I know it didn’t.

It seems that I went to bed one night stressed to the max about business and ready to “close the doors” of See Jane Write and then woke up the next morning with a completely new attitude. I woke up the next morning fired up and ready, once again, to take See Jane Write and the women of the group to the next level.

I woke up jotting down event and program ideas for 2016 and drafting a new social media strategy. I woke up with a renewed commitment to my coaching clients and with a plan to recruit more members.

But this change of heart didn’t actually happen overnight. The process of bouncing back after the burnout I experienced last month actually took several steps.

I figured out what went wrong. I was burned out, quite frankly, because in September I was stupid. In September I took on three live events, an e-course launch and two speaking engagements. This was all in addition to meetings with clients, my full-time job, a weekend visit from the in-laws and a housewarming party. Stupid! But I’ve learned my lesson. From now on I will only host one in-person event a month and when planning events I will always take into consideration my work schedule and life matters. I’m also going to start reaching out to trustworthy volunteers for help.

I took a break. After the insanity of September I decided to make October a month of rest. Because I had a mountain of papers to grade, several client meetings, and lots of bookkeeping to do, October did not turn out to be the peaceful month I’d hoped it would be, but I did cancel all See Jane Write events for the month and that certainly helped. Sickness also caused me to miss some social events, and while I mourned the memories I never got to make with those friends, I know that my illness was my body’s way of forcing me to chill out.

I committed to continued self care. If I get back to business with the same “No Days Off” attitude and “Whatever It Takes” mantra, I’m going to end up residing at the Burnout Bungalow once again. As I renew my commitment to building my business, I must also stay committed to self care. For me that means exercising daily, going to bed on time, and taking off at least one day a week. It also means spending quality time with my husband and my girlfriends and starting each morning with prayer.

blogging pic

I remembered my why. One of my biggest frustrations last month was realizing that I’ve been so busy with See Jane Write that I haven’t been able to actually write! So this month I relaunched my personal blog, not with any strategy or pageview goals but simply to have a space to practice my craft. After all, the main reason I started See Jane Write was simply because I am a writer and wanted community. I must write to be a writer.

I surrounded myself with inspiration. I know that the catalyst to my comeback has been reading blog posts and watching Periscope broadcasts by some of my favorite bloggers and online entrepreneurs. They are so hungry to make it big. This hunger reminded me of my own passion to succeed as well as the passion of the women of See Jane Write. And as the founder of See Jane Write it is my calling to give these women the tools they need to make their dreams come true.

I decided to do something new. As 2015 comes to a close I’ll be launching a few new things for See Jane Write and planning those has certainly given me the boost of energy that I needed. Most of my plans will be announced next month, but I want to reveal one right now.

While reevaluating everything this month I realized just how much I love doing one-on-one coaching with the right clients. The See Jane Write Mastermind program is winding down, which means I’ll have more time for new clients. While I am always happy to meet with women writers and bloggers for a single session, I’ve found I have the most impact with my long-term clients. Thus I’ve decided to formalize this process.

I am currently accepting 6 long-term clients for 2016. Here’s how this will work:

In December 2015 we will meet via Skype to discuss your writing and blogging goals for 2016 and develop a comprehensive plan to accomplish those goals.  $99 value

Are you looking to launch a blog or to finally monetize the blog you’ve been building for years?

Do you want 2016 to be the year you finally write your book?

Or maybe you’ve already written a book but you need help with self-publishing or promotion.

Are you interested in starting a freelance writing career or making money through public speaking?

I believe my education and experience can help you accomplish any of these goals and more.

But you don’t have to take my word for it. Here’s what one of my mastermind clients had to say:

I’ve been working with Javacia for about 3.5 months to grow my business and reach more people. She has helped me do just that. Not only has her guidance helped me create writing consistency, but I also launched my newsletter, created an online program, and booked my first big speaking gig. — Emilie Maynor of Emilie Maynor Living

Throughout 2016 we will meet 5 times either via Skype or in person (if you live in the Birmingham area) to work on your goals.   $625 value

For additional support, you will also receive a free See Jane Write membership, including access to the new membership site set to launch December 2015. $1,000 value (Savings of $97)

You will receive three blog audits (a review of your site’s content, layout and design) $300 value

Please note this coaching program does NOT include regular editing of your blog or newsletter content or book editing.

The investment for this coaching program is $500.

To allow time to schedule our December Skype session, this offer closes on November 15, 2015.

If you’re interested in this highly affordable, long-term coaching program, click here to schedule a free 15-minute strategy session with me and we will determine if this program is the best fit for you. Serious inquiries only, please.