A Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQ, page is something many bloggers overlook when putting together their sites — yours truly included. So I’m putting together an FAQ page for this site and I’d love your help.
An FAQ page is a great way to quickly orient new readers to your blog and to help them find the information they’re most likely seeking on your site. An FAQ page can also save you time as it will keep you from answering the same questions over and over via email.
If you’re not sure which questions you should include on your page start by just sitting down and thinking of the questions you’re, well, frequently asked! You could also host a Q&A on your blog, in your Facebook group, on Periscope, or in a webinar.
As I put together the See Jane Write FAQ page, I want your input. Leave your questions about See Jane Write, blogging, and writing in the comments.
Feel free to also leave a link to your FAQ page. I’d love to see it!