Meet Joi Miner

joi miner

If you’re coming to the See Jane Write 5th Anniversary Party tomorrow you should prepare yourself to meet a host of interesting female writers and bloggers. One of the most interesting women in the room will be poet, author, editor, and motivational speaker Joi Miner.


Can you promote yourself anytime, anyplace?

stay ready

Stay ready, so you won’t have to get ready. That’s a favorite saying of a friend of mine and over the past couple years it’s become a favorite of mine, too. If you’re a writer, blogger or small business owner, staying ready not only means keeping your website updated and your business card stash replenished, it also means being preparing to talk about your blog, book, or business anytime, anyplace. Can you do that?

Last year, that ability was put to the test in a way I never expected: I had to pitch my business in the middle of a gynecological exam!


Do You Want It More Than You Fear It?

more than you fear it

“I wanted it more than I was scared of it,” Mattie James of said recently when asked about finding the courage to pursue her dreams against all odds and about being bold enough to be her own boss. I jotted down those words, knowing I’d need them one day.

That day came sooner than I thought it would.


Where Are Your Eyes? : Reflections on TEDxBirmingham 2016

tedx stage

Where are your eyes?

This was a refrain in the talk that writer Tammy Harper gave at Saturday’s TEDxBirmingham 2016. This was a question she asked as she challenged us to spend less time looking at screens and more time looking into the faces of our loved ones. And this question stuck with me throughout the day.


Talking About Money Makes Me Sick

Tracie B. Threadford, My Money Makeup Artist

Talking about money makes me sick — literally. I once threw up before a trip to H&R Block to get my taxes done. (And I typically get a refund!) As an entrepreneur, I obviously have to deal with money a lot. I get heart palpitations and shortness of breath just thinking about doing the bookkeeping for my business. 

When I was growing up my parents had very little money. We were no stranger to eviction notices or having the gas or electric services turned off. And money woes often led to heated disagreements in our household. 

Today I am a proud homeowner and my bills are always paid on time, and yet I still don’t want to talk about money — EVER. 

Enter Tracie B. Threadford
