Consider your biggest writing, blogging or branding goal for 2016 that you have yet to accomplish. What’s standing in your way? What’s holding you back? At the See Jane Write Roundtable event we’re going to help you identify your biggest obstacle and help you begin developing a strategy to overcome it.
Do you feel stuck or stagnant? We’re going to help you move forward so you can take your blogging, your business, or your writing career to the next level.
Here’s what attendees of the first See Jane Write Roundtable event had to say about this unique event:
“Gathering with a group of women, many whom I did not know, I had no idea that I would walk away feeling so inspired on my own writing journey, but also so excited for the creativity coming out of See Jane Write,” says Jennifer Dome King of the blog Stellar Fashion and Fitness. “Everyone is so enthusiastic and focused on the dreams they shared, if sometimes a bit timid as to whether we can actually accomplish what we desire. But the encouragement and advice I received at the Roundtable made it clear that with the work and dedication, we really can see these dreams come true. It’s so great to have powerful, supportive women like this to turn to!”
Brie Cash of the blog I Am Woman declared, “I even made a new friend!”
One participant said the See Jane Write Roundtable was a “spiritual experience.”
Meagan Saia of the blog Life of Owen, called it “magical.”
“What was most impressive to me about these women writers is how different we all were, and yet so similar,” Meagan wrote in her recap of the event. “Not only were our outward appearances different but age and jobs and more. So many differences. And yet we were all there for the same reason: to continue to ignite our passion and tell our story.”
Because this is a discussion-style workshop designed to give everyone a chance to get personalized advice, only 15 spots are available for this event. Reserve your spot today at sjwroundtable2.eventbrite.com.
Light refreshments will be served.
5:30 – 8 p.m., Tuesday, June 21
Desert Island Supply Co. (DISCO)
5500 1st Avenue North in Woodlawn