Member of the Month: Lauree Ashcom

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There was a time when Lauree Ashcom felt she had to hide her love for poetry.

I always wrote and read poetry secretly,” she says. “When I was in school, teachers seemed to teach that there were only certain types of poetry, that it mainly rhymed, that the only great poets were dead.”

And so Lauree would perhaps sometimes send a poem to a family member or friend, but mostly she kept what she describes as her “real heart words” in journals and on note cards tucked under her bed or in hidden in her closet.

“About ten years ago I began to feel more free and more rebellious,” she says. “Maybe it had something to do with suddenly having an empty nest. I created an alter ego under a pen name and began writing and posting in poetry groups on Facebook and other sites. Not all of these were sites that a proper southern woman should be visiting, but even that helped me break the bonds of the rules that made me live in fear.”

LAURA LEE SWEET spilled heart cover

Lauree started entering and becoming a finalist in writing contests. This helped her to eventually land a book deal. “I would have been happy to just have a chapbook printed, but I got a contract for a full length book,” she says. 

I’m excited to announce that Lauree Ashcom is the Member of the Month for April, which is also National Poetry Month.

I recently had a chat with Lauree about her writing process and journey.


To Understand the World: Why Ashley M. Jones Writes Poetry

Ashley Jones
Photo by Katherine Webb

I have a confession: I am jealous of poet and educator Ashley M. Jones.

I don’t envy Jones because last year, at the ripe old age of 25, she was one of only six winners of the 2015 Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award, a prestigious award given annually to support emerging women writers with exceptional talent. I don’t envy her because she landed a dream creative writing teaching job at the Alabama School of Fine Arts (ASFA) as soon as she finished her graduate work at Florida International University. I’m not jealous of Jones’s book deal (her first full-length poetry collection will hit bookshelves in November) and I don’t envy her because last yearB-Metro gave Jones their Fusion Award, an honor given to Birmingham residents who champion diversity, inclusion, and acceptance.

I am jealous of Jones because she is in love—with poetry.

Read complete article at

Open Letter to a Mother: Why a “Black Girls Rock” T-Shirt is OK

Tonight the 10th anniversary celebration of Black Girls Rock awards will debut on BET at 7 p.m. CDT. In honor of the ceremony I revisit an article I wrote for the November 2014 issue of B-Metro magazine

black girls rock tee

You see an African-American girl bouncing through the aisles of your local supermarket donning a T-shirt that reads “Black Girls Rock,” and you’re offended. You want to approach her parents and ask how they would feel if your daughter wore a shirt declaring “White Girls Rock.” But you decide against it.

You believe that if your daughter did wear a “White Girls Rock” T-shirt, both she and you would be declared racists and you don’t think that’s fair. You think it’s a double standard.

You’re right. And double standards suck.

But you know what else sucks?


How to Dress Like a Fashion Blogger

dress like a fashion blogger

In my next writing life, I want to be a fashion blogger.

As the founder of See Jane Write, I’m around fashion bloggers often and oh, how I admire my chic and stylish blogging cohorts. One thing they’ve taught me, however, is that you can dress like a fashion blogger even if you’re not one. It all starts with a mindset shift. For my latest piece for StyleBlueprint Birmingham I had a talk with five of Birmingham’s top style bloggers about the best advice they’d offer aspiring fashionistas. Read the wardrobe wisdom from Jeniese Hosey of The Jenesaisquoi, Alexis Barton of Same Chic Different Day, Bertha Hidalgo of Chic in Academia, Rachel Tindall of To Hell in a Handbag, and Christina Renteria of PinkLux

Javacia’s April Goals


april 2016 goals

Can you believe it’s April?! Can you believe the second quarter of the year is already here?!

As usual, I’m setting goals for the month, but since we’re here at the start of a new quarter, I thought I’d set some 90-Day goals as well.

My Goals for April

Revamp and relaunch Lady Blogger to Boss Lady. This is my signature e-course designed to help you build your best blog, build buzz for that blog, and turn that blog into a business  without relying on ads or sponsored posts. If you’re interested, click here to get on the Lady Blogger VIP List to receive course announcements and discounts.

Host a member’s only writing workshop. If you’re an official See Jane Write member you’ll get details soon.

Do Jillian Michaels’ 30-Day Shred. The last time I did Jillian Michaels’ 30-Day Shred for 30 days straight I went down a dress size. Can I get an encore?

Looking ahead, here are some goals I have for the next 90 days.
