What seeds do you need to plant this season?


This weekend I attended reCreate, the annual women’s conference held each fall at Church of the Highlands. One of the speaker’s at this year’s conference was Andi Andrew, who founded New York City’s Liberty Church in 2010 with her family. In 2015 she launched the She Is Free Conference.

One of the messages Andi gave this past weekend was all about seeds. So often we pray to God for gifts and we expect instant gratification. But instead of God giving us what we desire, fully grown, God simply gives us the seeds and it’s our job to tend to the soil of our hearts so that the seeds can bear fruit.


The Number One Reason You’re Not Making Money With Your Blog

image via CreateHerStock
image via CreateHerStock

I have been blogging in some capacity for nearly a decade.

I’d like to say that when I started blogging I did so just for fun or for the love of writing. But that would be a lie.

I first started blogging for the newspaper at which I was working at the time because I thought it would help me make a name for myself at the paper and in the city. I wanted to be Louisville’s top features reporter!

Then I soon started a blog of my own because I had always dreamt of starting a magazine and this was my way of doing so — kinda, sorta —  without the overhead.

My point is from the day I published my very first blog post I did so with a business mindset. But it wasn’t until last year that I started making real money with my blog. LAST YEAR!

So what was my mistake? Failure to launch.

And I bet this is the same mistake you’re making, too.

Allow me to explain.
