As I type this my heart is so full it’s really hard to put into words how I feel.
As I type this my heart is so full it’s really hard to put into words how I feel.
I wish I knew how to quit you
Or you
I know passion is not always a straight and narrow path
But this love triangle has
me bent
As with most good things, it all started with tacos.
On March 24, 2011 I invited a group of women to meet me for dinner at a Mexican cantina in my hometown of Birmingham, Alabama. Most of these women I’d never met before; they didn’t know me or one another. But we all had one thing in common: We all loved to write.
It’s time to blog like crazy!
Every November I challenge the women of See Jane Write to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days.
Happy Halloween, babes! Thank you for being a part of my squad.
Since it’s the last day of month, let’s take a look back at my best blog posts and most exciting announcements of October.