Frequently Asked Questions


Every website needs a Frequently Asked Questions page. An FAQ page will keep you from answering the same questions over and over and can be a great place to get new blog readers oriented.

Today I want to share answers to some of the questions I’m often asked and give you the opportunity to ask more. Next month I plan to use this post and any questions you leave in the comments to create an FAQ page for


Girl Talk


If you’ve been following me and my blog for awhile it should come as no surprise that I watch Beyonce’s 2013 documentary Life is But a Dream at least once a year. And one of my favorite quotes from that documentary is about Beyonce’s ideas of sisterhood. She says: “I love my husband, but there’s nothing like a conversation with a woman that understands me.” She goes on to add, “I grow so much from those conversations. I need my sisters.”

Sisterhood is one of the things I value most in life. It drives so much of what I do as a blogger, writer, teacher, and entrepreneur.




Sometimes Facebook games make for good blog posts, especially when it’s #bloglikecrazy month and you’re trying to blog every. single. day.

Here’s a fun one going around now: (more…)

My Body Image Issues Are Hurting My Blogging Career