If you’re new around here you may not know this, but See Jane Write is not my only blog. I also blog at WriteousBabe.com. Sort of.
To say that I am inconsistent with my other blog would be an understatement. This year I’ve only published 25 posts there. I published more posts than that at SeeJaneWrite.net just last month!
You might be tempted to blame my inconsistency on my busy schedule. With managing a business, freelancing, and teaching, how could I successfully maintain two blogs? But honestly, I think time management has little to do with it.
I struggle with consistency with WriteousBabe.com because I lack purpose. With See Jane Write I have a clear mission and a clear audience in mind and this keeps me motivated day after day. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for my other blog.
This is why I believe all bloggers should enter 2017 with specific goals for their blogs. (Sign up for my free online training on goal setting here.)
But that’s not all you need to make 2017 a happy new year for your blog.
Here are the three things you need to make your blog successful in 2017: