Month: November 2019

How My Hair Became My Feminist Fashion Statement

Story ideas are all around you. Sometimes all you have to do is look in the mirror. Through the years, I have been inspired to write many stories simply by touching the hair on my head.

I’ve written about the natural hair movement for newspapers, magazines, and even public radio. I’ve shared my own hair story on those same platforms as well as on websites and blogs.

If you’re thinking it’s just hair, think again.


Write Your Way to the Life of Your Dreams

On the day I turned 11 years old, I decided I wasn’t a kid anymore. I decided I was a woman.

Typing those words makes me laugh out loud. But looking back on that day I realize that even though 11-year-old me had no idea what it really meant to be a woman, I did have a clear vision of the woman I wanted to be.
