I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.
Audre Lorde
This quote by Audre Lorde is one of my favorites, but honestly, it’s one to which I can’t completely relate.
Sure, I try to be deliberate in all I do. But I am afraid of plenty.
I try to pretend as if I’m not. My bio on Facebook is “Fearless, Feminist Freelancer” and all summer I’ve been toting around a pink notebook that boasts “Fearless Female” on the cover.
And as a woman of faith, I try to hold tight to verses like Proverbs 31:25, which reads, “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”
But the days to come often keep me up at night.
So today I’m confessing my fears, not because I want you to say something that will ease them (you can’t), but because I want other women dealing with these fears to know they are not alone. And I want you to see how I feel the fear and do it all anyway so that you can, too.