

I know what you’re thinking: “OK. Javacia really needs to stop waking up at 4 a.m. That girl is so sleepy she doesn’t know what month it is!”

Don’t worry. I’m fully aware that today is December 1, not January 1, but for me December is the new January. Gone are the days of waiting until January 1 to start working on my goals for the New Year. I’m going to start slaying my 2017 goals TODAY.

I’ve taken a list of my writing goals for 2017 and from that list created a list smaller goals that, if accomplished, will get me one step closer to achieving my big dreams.

My writing and blogging goals for 2017:

  • Write and self-publish a first book.
  • Secure a book deal with a well-established publishing house.
  • Build up to 100,000 monthly pageviews for my blog.
  • See my byline on my favorite websites.
  • See my byline in my favorite magazines.

Here are my goals for this month:

  • Draft an outline for my book.
  • Write an e-book called The Lady Writer Manifesto.
  • Guest blog for
  • Guest blog for
  • Try slow blogging.

Before I continue let me explain slow blogging. Also known as intentional blogging, slow blogging is a concept I’ve been hearing about for two years but never tried. With slow blogging you blog less and spend more time promoting your posts. So instead of writing three to five relatively short posts each week, I will publish one epic post each week and spend more time promoting my posts. My plan is to try this in December and compare my pageviews to November (when I blogged every single day) to see if the slow blogging folks are on to something. I’ll be sure to report back with the results!

As I always say, a goal without a plan is just a wish, so I’m going to break down all of my goals for the month into smaller tasks and then assign dates and deadlines for each task.

What are your goals for the month?