
Why Busy Writers Should Journal

Writers should journal even if they feel like their schedule is too hectic to make the time. I know that if you’re a busy writer you may feel like journaling is a waste of time. After all, shouldn’t any time that you have to write be spent working on your book or blog or an article, essay, or poem? What’s the point in using that precious time to write words that no one else will see? 

If this is your mindset about journaling, my mission is to change it. 


How to Journal Every Day

If you want to journal every day, you’ve got to be intentional and not simply hope that it’s going to happen. You need to plan to journal and then commit to sticking with the plan.

You need a time, a place, and a plan.


My Birthday Journaling Ritual

Today is my birthday, my own personal New Year. And tomorrow is the Lunar New Year, so it’s a day of new beginnings indeed.

But turning 43 is weird. It’s not a milestone age like 30, 40, or 50.

I can’t all it my Jackie Robinson year like last year or my Obama year like next year.

Turning 43 doesn’t feel special. It just feels old.

But then I remind myself that as a cancer survivor, each birthday is a milestone. And aging is a gift.

My birthday journaling rituals always help shift my perspective.

Here are the 3 things I journal about each birthday…


The Unexpected Way That Journaling Helps My Marriage

Journaling is one of the best things that I do for my marriage. But perhaps not in the way you think.

Yes, my husband and I have a couple’s journal. We even did a podcast episode about couple’s journaling. I think a couple’s journal is a great way to set expectations and goals. You could even make a couple’s bucket list.

But to be honest, we’re not very consistent with it. That couple’s journal isn’t the secret sauce. The magic happens in the journals that are mine and mine alone.


Unlock your Age of Pleasure with journaling

The Age of Pleasure is here!

Most people know that I’m absolutely obsessed with Beyonce because I’m always talking about her out in these Internet streets. But my IRL friends know that I’m also a huge fan of Janelle Monae and that’s why I’m so excited about her new album The Age of Pleasure which was released today. And when she announced her North American tour and I saw that she was coming to Birmingham I snagged my tickets before they were even officially on sale. (Yup, I got that Fan Presale hook-up.)
