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See Jane Write Gift Guide

Whether you’re looking for a gift for a woman writer in your life or for yourself, the See Jane Write Gift Guide has you covered.

I must confess, however, that this gift guide is stacked with items that I either already own or plan to add to my holiday wish list. But that just means that even though this post includes a few affiliate links and I will get a commission if you make a purchase from those links, every opinion you read here is all mine.


What Life as a Full-Time Freelance Writer Is Really Like

Because I am a full-time freelance writer, I work from home. Before the Coronavirus forced many workers out of their offices and into remote work setups, many people thought that when I said I worked from home what I really meant was I lounged on the sofa all day in my pajamas watching old episodes of Criminal Minds. And while I do hang out with my friends from the BAU during my lunch break, I think now most people know that working from home is still hard work!

Nonetheless, many people still don’t understand what it truly means to be a full-time freelance writer. Sure, there are glamorous parts. You get to interview amazing people.  When the world isn’t in the middle of a pandemic, you get invited to events and you get to check out new venues, books, and experiences before anyone else does. Sometimes you get paid to travel. Building your brand as a writer also means having fun photoshoots and even being featured on websites and in ad campaigns.

But there’s a lot about this freelance life that’s not glamorous – at all. So, I’m here to give you the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Inspired by Mattie James’ blog post on Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Tasks for Influencers, I’m going to share what life as a full-time freelance writer is really like by covering what I do each day, each week, and each month.


November 2020 Goals & Plans

Here’s the thing, November —  October will be a tough act to follow.

Last month I welcomed 33 new members into the See Jane Write Collective.

I was featured on and and I was quoted in Oprah Magazine!

I wrote a piece for Reckon South on how breast cancer both ruined and restored my confidence.

I landed my first paid Instagram brand collaboration. And I was invited to contribute a chapter for a book being curated by a high-profile journalist (and I will be well compensated). 

Also, I got my taste buds back! (Along with killing cancer cells, chemo also temporarily kills your sense of taste.)

After a month like that, I’m ready to take on a BIG, HAIRY, AUDACIOUS GOAL.


Goals and Plans for October and the Last 90 Days of 2020

When I was an English teacher, I kept a quote board in my classroom, and each October, I’d display this quote from Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables: “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”

Football, fall weather, Smart Party, my husband’s birthday, and Halloween – I have many reasons to love October. Yet considering what a dumpster fire 2020 has been, I’m hesitant to get excited about anything these days.
