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Barbie, beauty & women of color

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Member of the Month: C.J. Wade

My Interview with the Belle Curve Podcast

10 Affirmations to Silence Your Inner Critic

See Jane Write makes The Write Life 2019 list of 100 Best Websites for Writers

How to Make the Most of the Day Designer

How to Blog Consistently with The Content Planner

Sleepover Media Feature

My B-Metro Column

The Content Planner

My TEDxBirmingham Talk

4 Books By Women To Add To Your To-Read List For November 2018

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Stephen King once said “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

This quote haunts me month after month as I try to read a book each week and inevitably fail. But October was a different story. Last month I finally achieved my goal of reading (or rereading 4 books).


Why Writers and Bloggers Need to Exercise


and abs

I exercised for at least 30 minutes every single day in 2014. That’s right; I worked out every day for 365 days.

This year has been a different story.

See Jane Write has grown exponentially this year. I’ve launched a coaching program, hosted more events, worked with more brands, and won prestigious awards. But with all this success came a much busier schedule — a schedule that left little to no time for exercise.

But this has to change. As author, blogger and See Jane Write member of the month Stephanie Naman said, “I never completely abandon my workouts when I’m busy. Stress builds up if you don’t sweat it out.”

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Representing B-Metro magazine and See Jane Write, I had the opportunity last week to check out a new gym in downtown Birmingham — The Executive Health Club by 24e. While testing out the equipment and learning about the group fitness classes the gym offers, I kept thinking about all the many reasons writers and bloggers should exercise.


The See Jane Write Mastermind




if you weren't afraid

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Would you quit your day job?

Would you finally start a blog or use the blog you have to build a business?

Would you write a pitch letter to your favorite magazine or a query letter to the agent you dream of representing you?

Would you write and publish that book you’ve been carrying in your heart for years?

Or maybe you’ve already written and self-published a book, but you haven’t had the courage to market your work the way you know that you should.

number 1 goal


I have another question for you: What is your game changer?

Consider all your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Now pick one. What goal – that you could accomplish in 6 months – would have the greatest impact on your personal and professional life?

That’s a game changer goal and that’s the goal I want to help you reach.

Introducing the See Jane Write Mastermind, a 6-month personalized coaching program designed to help you achieve your game changer goal.

A mastermind group is a group that offers accountability, support and a safe space for brainstorming to help you achieve your goals. But the See Jane Write Mastermind program offers this and so much more.

The See Jane Write Mastermind program includes the following:

  • You‘ll get 6 monthly one-on-one consultations, which means we’ll work together to develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your game changer goal and I’ll guide you through each step of that plan.
  • You’ll get 6 monthly live group coaching sessions with the other members of the See Jane Write Mastermind program, which means you’ll have the support of a community of like-minded women who will also provide insight and inspiration along this journey.
  • You’ll get access to a private Facebook group to communicate and collaborate with me and the other See Jane Write Mastermind members as often as you’d like.
  • You’ll get free admission to See Jane Write events (excluding Blogging Boot Camps) that take place between June 1, 2015 and November 30, 2015 – including our annual blogging conference, The Bloganista Mini-Con. These events will give you access to even more resources and networking opportunities.
  • You’ll get a free one-year membership to See Jane Write, which means you’ll be able to register early for events with limited seating, invitations to private members-only events, the opportunity to be featured as a See Jane Write Member of the Month, and the chance to be assigned an accountability partner for even more support.
  • You’ll also get additional online training, worksheets, and personalized weekly assignments to help you achieve your game changer goal.

And in December we’re going to party! We’ll have a special event to celebrate what you accomplish during our six months of working together and have a goal setting workshop to help you make plans for 2016.


janes at work
The See Jane Write Mastermind program includes monthly group work sessions.

The ideal mastermind group consists of less than 10 people so only a few spots are available and currently I don’t plan to offer this again. 

The See Jane Write Mastermind program will begin June 1, 2015. 

Are you interested? Then, let’s chat! I’m offering a complimentary 15-minute strategy session for anyone interested in this program. This session should help you determine if this program is right for you. During this session we’ll decide what your game changer goal should be. We’ll also discuss the monetary investment for the program.


If I were to guess the top 10 questions or objections you have about joining the See Jane Write Mastermind group they would be these:

  1. How do I know if this program is right for me?

Maybe it’s not. Or maybe it’s exactly what you need.

I don’t believe you can truly know until we talk. I’m offering a complimentary 15-minute strategy session for any women interested in this program. That session should help you determine if this program is right for you.

The See Jane Write Mastermind program is for women who are self-motivated and serious about moving to the next level in writing, blogging or business.

Because of the live group coaching sessions, this program is best for women who live in or near Birmingham, Alabama.

  1. What if I want to work on several goals?

You can do it all, but not all at once. For the See Jane Write Mastermind program I want you to focus on one goal. Choose a goal that would have the biggest impact on your life and that would actually make it easier for you to accomplish other goals on your list, but choose a goal that you could reasonably accomplish in 6 months. You can later apply the things you learn during our time together to accomplishing your other goals.

I will help you decide on your game changer goal during our 15-minute strategy session.

  1. Where will we meet for our monthly one-on-one consultations?

The See Jane Write Mastermind program is designed for women in and around the Birmingham area. For our monthly one-on-one consultations we will meet at your home office or your favorite Birmingham-area coffee or we’ll meet via Skype, depending on our goals for that particular meeting.

  1. When will our monthly group meetings be held?

Monthly group meetings will be held at a coffee shop or other intimate venue in or near Birmingham and the days and times of the meetings will be based on what works best for the group to ensure 100 percent participation.

  1. What See Jane Write events do you have planned for the rest of year?

Actually, you get to decide that! Yes, I do have some events planned already such as a DIY marketing event to help authors promote their books, the Bloganista Mini-Con, a memoir writing workshop, the #BlogLikeCrazy Kick-off Workshop, and a workshop on creating videos for your website. But, I mostly decide on events based on what my members ask for and as a member of the See Jane Write Mastermind program I will turn to you first for suggestions for future events.

  1. What if I don’t achieve my goal?

If you don’t achieve your goal we will first celebrate all the smaller goals you achieved along the way. Then we will have an additional one-on-one session (at no charge) to figure out why you didn’t achieve the goal and develop a new plan for you to follow in 2016 to finally bring that dream to fruition.

  1. What kind of support will I receive after the six months?

After the See Jane Write Mastermind program has ended, we will have a goal-setting workshop in December to help you get ready for 2016. I will also email you on the 1st of the month for six months to check on your progress and you can use this opportunity to ask me questions.

  1. What if I don’t have the time to do this?

successful people

One of the first things we’ll do once you join the See Jane Write Mastermind program is develop a personalized time management plan for you. And as I give you small tasks and assignments to complete each week to help you achieve your six-month game changer goal, we will schedule specific days and times for you to work on these tasks.

  1. What if I can’t afford this?

In August of 2014 I decided that I truly wanted to transition from lady blogger to boss lady, so to speak. I wanted to turn my blog into a business. In February of this year I was selected as one of the city’s Top 40 Under 40 by the Birmingham Business Journal. To make that happen I had to get serious about growing my business and growing myself as an entrepreneur. Getting serious meant investing – investing in a better website, investing in systems to help run my business, and investing in training. The first time I signed up for an 8-week online business course I hesitated, thought it over for weeks. The cost for the course was set at premium pricing. But then I remembered how that spring I’d purchased obscenely expensive concert tickets (yes, I’m a Beyoncé fan) without a second thought. And so I asked myself, was that concert more important than my future as an entrepreneur? The first time I paid for a one-on-one session with a business coach I was leery about that, too. Then I recalled how I’d spent over $1,000 to attend a blogging conference that I really enjoyed but, frankly, at this point in my blogging career, really just reminded me of things I already knew. It was time to step it up.

So is it time for you to step it up, too?

Are you willing to invest in yourself and your future?

Now I would never suggest you max out your credit card to sign up for training – finance charges are real and of the devil. So there is a payment plan available for the See Jane Write Mastermind and this 6-month program is one of the most affordable, yet most personalized programs you’ll find.

  1. What if I change my mind?

Because the See Jane Write Mastermind program features highly personalized services there are no refunds. However, during the 6-month program I will check in with you regularly to ensure that you are happy and satisfied with the process. Also, before you sign on we will have a 15-minute strategy session to make sure that this is actually the right program for you.

a goal without a plan


Perhaps you’re hesitant to sign up for the See Jane Write Mastermind program simply because you aren’t confident you’ll actually achieve your game changer goal. You may be thinking of that lofty aspiration of yours and staring in the mirror asking, “Just who do you think you are?!”

If I can take a moment to be transparent, I had the same thought when the idea for this program came to me. Because I knew I wanted to give so much personalized, hands-on training I knew I’d have to set the program at premium pricing (even though it’s still much less than what my business coach would advise). I looked in the mirror and thought “Who do you think you are? Why should someone make such an investment in one of your programs? Why should anyone trust you to help them bring their dreams to fruition?

Then the Wonder Woman within answered: “Why shouldn’t they?!”

I’ve been dedicated to helping women writers and bloggers accomplish their goals since I started See Jane Write in 2011.

See Jane Write began with just about a dozen women at a restaurant discussing what they’d want from a writing group and now is a network of hundreds of women – a network that has allowed me to grow an award-winning business, be featured in local and national media outlets and garner paid freelance writing opportunities I once only dreamt about.

bbj ceremony
This year I was selected as one of the city’s Top 40 Under 40 by the Birmingham Business Journal.

But I know that none of that matters if the women of See Jane Write aren’t happy with the programs and services I provide. But thank God they are!

Here’s what one “Jane” had to say after our first one-on-one coaching session:

My one-on-one session with Javacia was more than I expected. She not only listened to my goals and aspirations, she provided me with practical next steps to help me accomplish each. She was friendly, yet very professional. I left with an ambitious to do list which is now my roadmap. She followed up, as promised, with websites, worksheets, and tons of information to help advance my dreams to write, get published, and speak professionally. I now consider her my writing mentor. – TiJuana W.

Here’s what another “Jane” had to say after a special group coaching session for bloggers that I call “Blogging Boot Camp”:

It was worth the time and the money. It was really invaluable. You will get much further than you will just thinking about what to do next. The personal attention and the fact that it was a working session was what I enjoyed most about the workshop. I now have an editorial calendar and a plan of attack!  — Jeralyn P.

 And here’s what one member had to say about the camaraderie of See Jane Write:

“This community of women writers is a very special one.  I feel that we all want to support one another, and that is a rare thing in business. Having a mentor like Javacia who is focused and works constantly on finding ways to encourage us and help us reach our goals and dreams is quite unique. Writing is a solitary endeavor for the most part and it is helpful, mentally and emotionally, to have others to lean on and learn from.  I love talking to writers about the process of writing. I always learn something, and their questions make me dig deep.” – Teresa T.

If you’re doubting yourself because you’ve failed to reach your game changer goal in the past, stop! If you’re a hardworking woman – and I’m sure that you are – most likely you didn’t achieve your goal in the past because you didn’t have a clear, concrete plan or you didn’t have support. The See Jane Write Mastermind program will provide you with both.

Javacia-683x1024So are you ready? Are you ready to see your career take flight? Are you ready to achieve that game changer goal that will take you to the next level in business, blogging, or writing? If you are, let’s chat! Click here to schedule your FREE 15-minute strategy session to determine your game changer goal and learn more about the program.


Javacia Harris Bowser

See Jane Write founder