The See Jane Write Members Collective

Be the author of your own life.

Write and live a life worth writing about.

Use your stories to make an impact and an income. 


Does any of this sound familiar?

You have a great idea for a book or a blog but no time to work on either. You dream of seeing your byline in your favorite publications, but you have no idea how to make this dream a reality. You want to turn your blog into a business but you think you can’t because you don’t have millions of readers like your favorite influencers. And you feel so alone because your family and friends just don’t understand why you want to write or blog in the first place.

You are not alone. 

There is a community of like-minded women waiting to support you. That community is See Jane Write.

See Jane Write members often say this community has changed their lives, but you want to know how it could change yours.

How would it feel to no longer be confused about what steps you need to make to take your writing to the next level? 

When you join the See Jane Write Members Collective you will get access to a resource library of exclusive content to help you with writing, blogging, and personal branding, including virtual workshops led by accomplished writers and bloggers from across the country.

The resource library will also walk you through the See Jane Write Success Path:

Step 1 – Get Focused: You can do anything but not everything — at least not all at once. We will help you choose which writing goal to focus on first.

Step 2 – Get Serious: Once you have a goal in mind, next you need to make time to actually work on it. Our planning and time management strategies will help you do exactly that.

Step 3 – Get Noticed: Our resources will help you build your writer platform and social media presence as well as hone your networking skills.

Step 4 – Get Paid: See Jane Write will show you how you can use your writing to make a difference and make money!

How would it feel to have the confidence to boldly pursue your writing, blogging, and life goals? 

When you join the See Jane Write Members Collective you will get access to group coaching sessions with See Jane Write founder Javacia Harris Bowser and your fellow members and other events designed to help you develop strategies to accomplish your goals.

How would it feel to know you have the support of a group of like-minded women as you go after your dreams? 

When you join the See Jane Write Members Collective you can rest assured you will have a tribe of women ready to give you feedback and encouragement. Through our weekly check-in and write-in sessions and monthly critique sessions, you will never feel alone on this writing journey.


Javacia’s Story

I think I was in the 5th grade when I first declared I was going to be a writer when I grew up. I had been writing really bad poetry since I was about 7 or 8 and in 5th grade, I started reading the work of Maya Angelou. And so I decided I would one day be a famous poet like her.

As I got older the type of writing I did changed, but my love for writing never did. In middle school, I started writing short stories. In high school, I was introduced to creative non-fiction. I studied journalism and English (with a concentration in creative writing) in college and focused on magazine journalism in grad school. I then worked as a features reporter for a newspaper in Louisville, Kentucky for several years. While I was there I started blogging — first for my paper and then for myself — and it was love at first post.

In 2009 I moved back to my hometown of Birmingham, Alabama to teach. While I loved teaching I still wanted to pursue freelance writing and I still wanted to blog, but it got harder and harder to do so without the support of the group of women writers I had in my life when I worked as a reporter. So I searched for a women’s writing group that would welcome poets, authors, journalists, and bloggers – all hats I’d worn at one point in my writing life – but I couldn’t find one. So on March 24, 2011, I started an organization of my own and See Jane Write was born.

See Jane Write started on a free Blogspot site and with a gathering of a dozen women at a local Mexican restaurant. Today that little group and its blog is a thriving network of hundreds of women with members not just in Birmingham, but in cities across the country.  Because of See Jane Write, in 2016 Southern Living magazine included me in its list of Innovators Changing the South and the See Jane Write website was named one of the 100 Best Websites for Writers by The Write Life in 2017, 2018, and 2019.

And the women of See Jane Write motivated me to keep writing. My work has appeared in national magazines and major newspapers including USA Today and on top-notch websites. I’ve been a contributor for NPR and the writer of an award-winning column. In 2019, I left the classroom to be — what  I like to call — a full-time writerpreneur. I’m writing for a living on my own terms. In 2022, I released my debut essay collection Find Your Way Back and was a contributing writer for the book How to Money.

But I’ve kept See Jane Write going all these years not because of my own success but because of the success of See Jane Write members. 

I continue See Jane Write because of members like the plus-size style blogger who published a book on how blogging about fashion and fitness helped her love her body.

I continue See Jane Write because through it I have helped women who always dreamt of being columnists, but never thought they could because they didn’t have a journalism degree, see their byline on the front page of local newspapers and on the masthead of local magazines.

I continue See Jane Write because members have earned book deals and national speaking engagements, landed full-time jobs because of their blogs and turned their blogs into profitable businesses.

I continue this community because See Jane Write members have found the courage to write about difficult topics like coping with the suicide of a loved one, healing from sexual assault, or surviving domestic abuse. The women of See Jane Write have found the strength to write themselves back together again, to borrow the words of author Roxane Gay. They have found a way to be the authors of their own lives and that is what See Jane Write is all about.


What Members Are Saying

“I would say the fact that I wrote my book, Fat Girl Power is a miracle except with the tools I learned from Javacia and See Jane Write, it never seemed impossible. I used the planning tools to achieve step-by-step goals and got closer and closer to seeing my dream come to fruition, and then it did! My book launch party was one of the happiest days of my life, and I have Javacia and See Jane Write to thank for it!” — Jennifer King, blogger at and author of Fat Girl Power: How I Built Confidence Through Body Positivity, Fashion and Fitness 

“Never wait for inspiration to strike! That is one of the most valuable lessons I have learned since becoming a member of See Jane Write. Through participating in the yearly #BlogLikeCrazy challenge I began to see that all the inspiration I need lies within me. As I live my daily life I see lovely things all around me. From a child’s laugh to the roar of a waterfall, beauty is everywhere. While forcing myself to write every day for #BlogLikeCrazy I had to search deep within. I began beckoning inspiration to the surface to create unique content. Through my consistency, I caught the attention of a local magazine editor. He asked to feature my recipes in one of his magazines! I was featured two months in a row and it was an empowering experience. As a member of See Jane Write, I am surrounded by women who challenge me to dig deeper, work harder, and live as my truest self. I no longer push off my dreams or wait to be inspired. I live an inspired life every single day!” — Jessica Furniss of

“There have been so many things I’ve wanted in my life but never attained because I didn’t have a plan. And really, I didn’t know HOW to plan. As a result of lacking goal-setting skills, I lacked confidence. Since becoming a member of See Jane Write I’ve learned how to envision, realistically set goals and pursue my passions. See Jane Write will empower you by giving you useful information that will yield success!” — Kwoya Fagin Maples, award-winning poet and professor and author of MEND

“To hold my dream in my hands and know it was birthed through my literary midwives means that this book is priceless to me. Javacia and See Jane Write have been a safe place for me to grow with other women writers through workshops, critique sessions, and group discussions. I am so grateful for my tribe!” — Christina J. Wade, author of The Morning After

Benefits of joining the See Jane Write Members Collective:

  • Access to a resource library of content to help with writing, blogging, and personal brand building
  • Monthly virtual goal-setting sessions
  • Weekly check-in/write-in sessions to help you with your writing goals
  • Monthly critique sessions to get feedback on your work
  • Invitations to other members-only events (such as workshops and mixers)
  • Discounts on events, e-courses, and consultations
  • Accountability small group to help keep you on track


Use the scroll bar to the right of the form to view the entire application. We collect, use, process, and respect your data and information according to our Privacy Policy.

If you’re still not sure if the See Jane Write Collective is for you, send your questions to