Social Media

Why Writers Should Use Snapchat


Karla Khodanian is my social media superhero.

Last night Karla led a workshop on Snapchat for the women of See Jane Write. I’ve said before that Snapchat is not my jam. For years I resisted even downloading the app because I thought it was just something teens used for sexting and even after I did sign up for an account I never used it because everyone I knew only used it make goofy pictures.


#Blogalicious8: How to #SpeakBeautiful

Photo by Artney of My Pretty Brown Fit

This weekend I’ve had the privilege of attending the 8th annual Blogalicious Weekend, the premier multicultural women’s blogging conference co-founded by Stacey Ferguson, a.k.a. Justice Fergie.

Yesterday’s agenda kicked off with a special talk presented by Dove and its #SpeakBeautiful campaign, which seeks to change how we talk about beauty online.

The presentation began with words from Luvvie Ajayi of the wildly popular blog Awesomely Lovely and author of the New York Times Best Seller I’m Judging You.


I Took a Break From Periscope and Almost Broke My Business

periscope pic

From March 1 to March 7, I didn’t use Periscope. I didn’t do any Periscope broadcasts and I didn’t watch any.

If Periscope is not your jam, a seven-day fast from this social media platform means nothing to you. But Periscope is my jam, my jelly, and my bread and butter. I LOVE PERISCOPE.

And that’s my problem. I was watching and/or listening to Periscope broadcasts ALL THE TIME – in the morning as I got ready for work, in the evening when I took walks through my neighborhood, while I was cooking, while I was driving, while I was painting my nails and waiting for them to dry.

The people I follow on Periscope are fellow bloggers and content creators. They’re female entrepreneurs who are slaying the game and I am eager to learn all their tricks of the trade.

But I was so obsessed with Periscope that I was barely spending time in prayer and reading Scripture.

So essentially I gave up Periscope for Jesus.

And I didn’t even miss it. Or so I thought.
