Dreams & Goals

Fresh Start February: 5 Ways to Begin Again

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Do you need this month to be Fresh Start February?

So often we enter the new year full of hopes and dreams, fueled by our goals and plans. We try to “hit the ground running” only to trip and fall flat on our faces.

If that sounds like you this year, give yourself some grace. Get up (or let someone help you up) and give yourself permission to start again. Give yourself permission to start slow. You don’t have to hit the ground running. Walking is just fine.

February is my birthday month, so it always feels like a fresh start for me. It’s like my own personal New Year. But you deserve a Fresh Start February too. Here’s how to give yourself the new beginning you need.


The Best Planner for Writers

The best planner for writers is any planner that will help you achieve your writing goals. I always say the magic is in the planning, not the planner. And honestly, the planning is just half the battle. You must follow through to see any progress. But I’m a huge fan of the Day Designer planner because if you put it to use, it can help you not only make time to write but also design a life worth writing about.


Word for the Year 2024

What’s your word for the year 2024?

I’ve been choosing a word for the year for over a decade. And it’s a practice I’ve passed on to the women of the See Jane Write Community too.

Your word can serve as your theme for the year. It can be a source of inspiration and motivation, a mantra, or even a rallying cry. Perhaps even a prayer.


My December Ta-Da List

Each month I help the members of the See Jane Write Collective set 3 major goals – one writing goal, one wellness goal, and one goal for another area of life that needs attention. But in December things are different. In December we craft a December Ta-Da List! No, that’s not a typo. That’s supposed to say “ta-da” not “to-do” because that’s way more fun, right?!

I can’t take credit for coming up with that name. One year a Collective member used the term during a monthly planning session, and it stuck. And since then, it’s become a yearly ritual for me.

Whether you want to finish the year strong or you’re just trying to finish, the December Ta-Da List can help.
