
The 2019 #BlogLikeCrazy & NaNoWriMo All-Stars

Each year, I challenge any blogger who wants to play along to join me in publishing a new blog post every day for 30 days in the month of November. I call this challenge #BlogLikeCrazy and it certainly lives up its name. But it’s also SO MUCH FUN. And I’m so glad each year some brave bloggers step up to the challenge.

Today I salute the #BlogLikeCrazy All-Stars for 2019 — the bloggers who succeeded in giving their readers new content every day in November. And I’m giving a shoutout to members of the See Jane Write community who completed the National Novel Write Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge.


Making Friends As an Adult is Hard — Unless You’re a Blogger

Have you ever thought about how hard it is to make new friends as an adult? When we were kids we could just walk up to another kid on the playground and ask her if she wanted to join us on the monkey bars or the swings and a friendship was forged. Later you’d invite her over for a sleepover and you’d eat junk food, share secrets, or try to figure out how to put on makeup.

But once I traded pigtails for pencil skirts making new friends got tough — that is until I started blogging.


Is 2020 Too Late to Start a Blog?

As the holiday season approaches, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’ve accomplished this year. And I’ve realized that all of these things have happened because years ago I decided to start a blog.
