
The 2015 #BlogLikeCrazy All-Stars

blc allstars

Each year, I challenge the women of See Jane Write to publish a new blog post every day in the month of November. I call this challenge #BlogLikeCrazy. And I’m so glad that every year a few ladies (and gentlemen) accept.

Today I salute the #BlogLikeCrazy All-Stars for 2015 — the bloggers who succeeded in giving their readers new content every day in November.


November Favorites

november goals

The Blog Like Crazy challenge is coming to an end. After I hit “Publish” on tomorrow’s post I will have succeeded in publishing a new blog post every day in the month of November.

I figured today would be a good time to recap some of my favorite posts from November.


Gift Guide for Women Writers, Lady Bloggers, and Girl Bosses

From the Badass Blog Planner by Sarah Morgan

Allow me to be transparent.

I’m calling this a “gift guide” but here’s what happened: My husband asked me to make a list of things I wanted for Christmas, and I needed a blog post for today because the one I’d originally planned didn’t work out. So…today I’m sharing with you things from my holiday wish list that I think other women writers, lady bloggers and girl bosses would also enjoy.


Why I’m Thankful for Blogging

why i'm thankful for blogging

It’s Thanksgiving — time for the obligatory blog post on all the things I’m grateful for this year.

But this time, I want to do something different.

Instead of a laundry list of things I’m thankful for, I want to share why I’m so glad I have blogging in my life.


Can you answer these 7 questions about your blog?

big pitch

Years ago I read an article that advised bloggers to treat their website as if it were a business they were hoping to one day sell, even if they had no such aspirations. Similarly, I believe that anyone looking to turn her blog into a business should be able to answer the same kinds of questions that an investor would ask any aspiring entrepreneur.
