
The #BlogLikeCrazy Playlist

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Birmingham-based writer Marie Sutton once shared at a See Jane Write workshop that she was able to complete her first book thanks to late-night writing sessions. Marie is a wife and a mom and has a demanding day job, so writing as night was her only option. Marie says she would “get in the zone” around 9 p.m. each night. She’d sit at her dining room table and write while snacking on Skittles and sipping on Red Bull. She even had a comfortable outfit she’d wear that she called her writing uniform. And she’d also listen to music — Kanye West to be exact (old-school Kanye, of course, not the new, ridiculous “Make America Great Again” Kanye).

Thinking back on Marie’s story I decided I needed some music to help me power through my month of publishing a new blog post every day. I decided I needed a #BlogLikeCrazy playlist!


Why I #bloglikecrazy

I have a confession.

I don’t enjoy blogging anymore. Sometimes I hate it!

This may be hard to believe considering #bloglikecrazy is just around the corner and I’ll be publishing a new blog post every day for 30 days and encouraging other bloggers to do the same. (Read more about #bloglikecrazy here.)

Let me explain.


It’s Almost Time to Write and Blog Like Crazy!

Every November I challenge See Jane Write readers and members who blog to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days. I call this challenge #bloglikcrazy. I give participants encouragement along the way by sharing blogging tips and post ideas and if you use the #bloglikecrazy hashtag when you share your posts on social media I’ll help promote your posts, too.

To be honest, I originally started #bloglikecrazy because November can be a lonely time for non-fiction writers. National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo) is also in November, which means all my fiction writer friends are busy trying to write a 50,000-word novel in a month and no one can come out to play! So, I decided to create a writing challenge for non-fiction writers who blog.

But this year I want to make sure I’m supporting See Jane Write readers and members who are taking on the NaNoWriMo challenge, too. So this month I’m hosting two events — one for my blogger babes and one for my lady writers — to help you prepare for all the writing and blogging we’ll be doing in November.


How to Blog Consistently with the Content Planner

You’ve heard it again and again: If you fail to plan you plan to fail. And yet you don’t apply this old adage to your blogging life.

If you’re having a hard time being consistent with your blog, most likely it’s because you’re failing to plan out your content. And this is why you need The Content Planner, which is now available for pre-sale.

Created by photographer, graphic designer, and entrepreneur Kat Gaskin, The Content Planner is designed specifically for content creators to help you plan your blog posts, email campaigns, and social media posts.


The #1 Thing I Learned at WordCamp Birmingham 2018

Sometimes I feel out of touch.

I’m constantly hearing people say that blogging is dead, that nobody reads anymore. And I get it. I know that video is hot. I know that according to research by Hubspot 45% of people watch an hour or more of video per day and Google has found that half of 18-34s would stop what they’re doing to watch a new video by their favorite YouTube creator. And let’s not forget about the rise of podcasting. But my weekend at WordCamp Birmingham 2018 showed me that I’m not out of touch at all. The fundamentals of blogging that I’ve been learning, implementing, and sharing over the past decade are the same principles that would help me or any other content creator be successful at video and podcasting.

The #1 lesson I learned at WordCamp Birmingham 2018 is that no matter the medium consistency is key.
