My yoga teacher always says that gratitude is the vehicle needed to drive more happiness into your life. And I think he’s right because if I’m being honest with you this year I haven’t been very happy and I haven’t been very grateful, either. There was a time when I wrote gratitude lists every night before bed, but that’s a practice I abandoned months ago. Now here I am writing a gratitude list because it’s Thanksgiving Day and as a blogger, a post about the things I’m grateful for seems required.
Sure, there are some things I’m always thankful for — neighborhood walks with my husband, the strength to run, dance, and do yoga despite my connective tissue disease, girls night with the few friends in my life who love me for who I am and not what I do.
But lately, I’ve been in a foul mood because this year has been a bit disappointing. I am not where I had hoped to be by the end of 2017 and I’m frustrated. Tuesday morning I had a chat with my business coach about these feelings, these feelings that I know come from falling into the trap of comparison. After reminding me that these feelings are normal, she urged me to make a list of all the things I have accomplished this year.
If you’ve been feeling disappointed or discouraged, I encourage you to make a list of your own. Instead of beating yourself up about all the things you haven’t accomplished this year, celebrate all the things that you have.
Here are 7 accomplishments and opportunities I’m grateful for right now: