Is it anti-feminist to blog about weight loss?

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Is it anti-feminist to blog about weight loss?

I currently weigh more than I ever have in my entire life. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind the number I see when I step on the scale if I were happy with the body I see when I stand in the mirror. (Even when I looked my best and had six-pack abs, I weighed much more than anyone, including my doctors, thought I did.) But I am woefully disappointed with both.


The #BlogLikeCrazy Playlist

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Birmingham-based writer Marie Sutton once shared at a See Jane Write workshop that she was able to complete her first book thanks to late-night writing sessions. Marie is a wife and a mom and has a demanding day job, so writing as night was her only option. Marie says she would “get in the zone” around 9 p.m. each night. She’d sit at her dining room table and write while snacking on Skittles and sipping on Red Bull. She even had a comfortable outfit she’d wear that she called her writing uniform. And she’d also listen to music — Kanye West to be exact (old-school Kanye, of course, not the new, ridiculous “Make America Great Again” Kanye).

Thinking back on Marie’s story I decided I needed some music to help me power through my month of publishing a new blog post every day. I decided I needed a #BlogLikeCrazy playlist!


4 Books By Women To Add To Your To-Read List For November 2018

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Stephen King once said “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

This quote haunts me month after month as I try to read a book each week and inevitably fail. But October was a different story. Last month I finally achieved my goal of reading (or rereading 4 books).


Let’s call this month No-Goals November – or not

Today is November 1 — the first day of #BlogLikeCrazy. Because today is the first of the month this should also be the day that I share with you my goals for November.

If you’ve been reading See Jane Write for a while you know that I’m a girl with goals. My best friend once said, “Your goals have goals!” She’s right. I set goals for the year, the quarter, the season, the month, the week, and for every day.

When this same friend read my blog post about my goals October and for the final quarter of 2018 she said, “You are doing TOO much!”

And she was right again. I had set unrealistic goals for myself and set too many of them to top things off. This goal digger had gotten out of control.

So I thought to myself, I’ll declare this month No-Goals November!
