Like nearly every other woman in America, I’ve been reading Michelle Obama’s new memoir Becoming this month.
30 Things I Love Right Now
There are just a few days left in this year’s #bloglikecrazy challenge. Before the fun ends, let’s do a new edition of “30 Things I Love Right Now.”
4 Birmingham-Based Organizations to Support on #GivingTuesday
Today is #GivingTuesday and the perfect day for you to support local, national, or international causes with your time, money, voice, or other resources.
Here are 4 Birmingham-based organizations I hope you will consider supporting today and beyond.
A Girl’s Guide to Freelancing
I had my first byline when I was only 19 years old. I pitched and wrote a story for The Birmingham Times, the Southeast’s largest black weekly newspaper, and it was published! Since then I’ve had the honor of seeing my byline in publications all over the country including The Seattle Times, The Chicago Sun-Times, USA Today and a number of national magazines. Today I write for several local publications including B-Metro magazine, StyleBlueprint Birmingham, and Birmingham magazine.
Today I want to offer a few tips on how you can start freelancing for your favorite publications, too.
How to Change Your Life

God doesn’t speak to me — at least not in the way I’d prefer. According to the Bible (and Father Lantom on Daredevil), God speaks in whispers. But the world is too loud. I need that burning bush kind of communication.
Over the past couple of weeks, however, I’ve been getting little messages here, there and everywhere that I believe may be divine.