How to Be the CEO of Your Life

Photos by Megan Tsang Hand

May 24, 2019, was my last day as a high school English teacher. Last week I gave myself a bit of a vacation as my husband and I spent time visiting his family and friends in Virginia and lounging at the beach. So I consider today, June 3, 2019, my first day of work as my own boss.

Related Reading: So…I quit my job!

I’ve dreamt of being an entrepreneur since before I was old enough to correctly pronounce the word. But juggling my writing business with my teaching career for all these years has taught me that whether you are self-employed or not you do have the power to be the CEO of your life. And if I don’t hold on to those lessons that I’ve learned I won’t truly live the life of an unbossed woman even as a full-time freelancer and entrepreneur as I could easily run myself ragged trying to meet deadlines and care for clients. So let’s discuss how we can all truly live like a boss.


So…I quit my job!

Today is my last day as an English instructor at the Alabama School of Fine Arts. After juggling my teaching career with See Jane Write for the past eight years I’m finally taking the leap and pursuing my passion project full-time. 

The few people I’ve shared this news with already have all had the same reaction— “It’s about time!” So while plenty of people may think I’m crazy to leave the security of a steady paycheck many people reading this may be thinking, “What took you so long?”  


Why You Should Write a Love Letter to Your Body

I believe every woman should write a love letter to her body several times a year. One should be in January. You know, that time of year when we pinch and poke the heft on our hips or the bulge of our bellies. That time of year when we vow to try Whole30 or the Keto diet and to go to the gym every single day. It is at such a time as this that we need to remind our body that we will love her even if she looks exactly the same on December 31.

We should also write one just before summer, that time of year when we’re disappointed or perhaps even angry because we don’t have that “beach body” we’d planned to have by May.


Introducing See Jane Read

One of the best things we writers can do to improve our craft (other than just writing) is reading the works of others. “Good writers read good writing”, I always say. And now See Jane Write is going to help you do just that with our new book club — See Jane Read!
