How to Make the Most of See Jane Write

See Jane Write offers a lot of FREE stuff to help you with your writing life. You can get tips on writing, blogging, and even personal brand building from See Jane Write blog posts. You can get even more information and inspiration from my free webinars. And you can find a group of fellow women writers to cheer you on in the See Jane Write Network Facebook group.

But these things just scratch the surface of what See Jane Write can do for you. When you join our membership program the See Jane Write Collective you’ll get access to a members-only resource library full of workbooks, videos, and more to help you with your writing or blogging journey. You’ll also get access to members-only workshops, writing sessions, and critique circles.

When you become a member of the See Jane Write Collective, you will have all the resources you need to follow what I like to call the See Jane Write Success Path.


Member of the Month: Leslie L. Golden

Leslie L. Golden

Lesile L. Golden is currently working on not one, not two, but three books and is somehow still finding the time to consistently update her blog The Istoriaphile’s Corner. She also recently published an e-book called Season’s Suite that’s all about the stories found in nature.

But Leslie’s writing work ethic isn’t the only reason she’s the See Jane Write Collective Member of the Month for August 2019. She was nominated by Audrey Atkins, author of They Call Me Orange Juice and the SJW member of the month for June 2018.

“In addition to being an awesomely talented wordsmith, she is enthusiastically and unfailingly supportive of every Jane in the group,” Audrey said of Leslie. “She offers feedback that is thoughtful and helpful, she is sincerely complimentary, and she shares careful and constructive criticism. It is this kind of writerly and friendly rapport that I came to See Jane Write to find, and I absolutely did in Leslie.”

In this interview, I chat with Leslie about her blog and her books, writing tips, and why she loves See Jane Write.


How See Jane Write Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

August is membership month here at See Jane Write headquarters, which means I’m working hard to welcome as many new members to the See Jane Write Collective as possible this month.

But I want you to know that I don’t see you as a number. I see you as a whole person with hopes and dreams and it is my goal to make those aspirations of yours come true. (You can apply to join at

Here’s how the See Jane Write Collective can help you achieve your writing, blogging, and business goals…


How to Create Your Writing S.P.A.C.E.

There was a time when my writing space was a Pinterest-worthy home office that dazzled my guests. The white color scheme with pink accents and trendy art prints that cover the wall came together perfectly to create a room that was my pride and joy.

But for the past two months, my home office has been a complete mess. Two months ago I left my job as a high school English teacher to write and run See Jane Write full time, which means I had to pack up and move out of a classroom I’d been in for 10 years. And this means I have a decade’s worth of junk stuffed in boxes, bags, and bins that are now stacked in my home office.

The good news is this clutter hasn’t kept me from writing. Sometimes, like right now, I sit in my office and just ignore the mess and get to work. Also, I’ve been working on freelance stories, pitches, blog posts, and email newsletters from my sofa, my bed, my kitchen, and my favorite coffee shops. I trained myself long ago to be able to write anytime, anyplace.

Nonetheless, the messiness of my home office distracts and haunts me. I even keep the door closed most of the time so I won’t have to look at it. This is showing me just how important it is to have a writing space, but recently I got to thinking about how we women writers must work to find writing space not only in our home but also in our schedules and even our mindsets.

Then I started thinking about this A LOT and came up with a “Writing S.P.A.C.E.” acronym!



During the Fourth of July weekend, my husband and I went to the movies THREE TIMES. We saw the new Spider-Man movie, Midsommar, and The Last Black Man in San Francisco. We also watched the entire third season of Stranger Things.

By Sunday I felt guilty about all that screen time and was beating myself up for not using the weekend to do more reading and writing. But when I got a last-minute freelance assignment that Monday the piece I wrote for the assignment was an essay inspired by one of the movies I’d watched over the weekend. Thanks to the inspiration from that film the words flowed from my fingers effortlessly.

I remembered that this is exactly why I love when other writers share the things they’re currently into and why I occasionally do the same on this blog. Pop culture can be a cornucopia of creative inspiration.

So it’s time for another edition of Currently, a feature for which I share what I’m currently watching, reading, listening to, writing, feeling, planning, and loving.
