5 Minutes of Gratitude

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States and I’m sure many people started their day working on today’s big meal.

I’m fortunate enough to have a father who loves to cook — he even worked in a restaurant back in the day — and handles our holiday meals. My job is just to be the hostess with the mostest.

Since I cleaned my house yesterday and will set the table while Daddy’s dressing is in the oven, I was able to spend Thanksgiving morning actually giving thanks. My Start Today journal prompts me to list five things I’m grateful for each day, but today I wanted to do more. Today I wanted to try five minutes of gratitude instead.


20 Questions for 2020

The end of the year is just 5 weeks away! Being the goal digger that I am, of course, I’m already planning for 2020. While I think it’s important to enjoy these final weeks of the year (and the decade!) by spending time with family and friends, I believe it’s also important to have some alone time to think about the year ahead.

In fact, I’m scheduling a Dreaming Day for myself in the coming weeks. On this day I am going to go somewhere quiet with my journal and favorite pen in hand and answer some important questions about my hopes, dreams, and plans for the future.

Here are 20 questions you should answer for yourself as you begin to prepare for 2020.
