Zora Neale Hurston once said, “There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” I can already tell that 2021 will be a year of answers. Here are 3 things I learned this month.
(more…)Zora Neale Hurston once said, “There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” I can already tell that 2021 will be a year of answers. Here are 3 things I learned this month.
(more…)Since 2019 I’ve been working with Reckon Women to elevate Southern women’s voices. Each week we publish an original personal essay by a woman with ties to the South in the Reckon Women Voices column on ReckonSouth.com. Many of the pieces are also featured in newspapers across the region and even throughout the country. (One recent piece landed in a newspaper in Syracuse, New York!)
If you’ve been wanting to submit a story for Reckon Women Voices but you’re not sure where to start, here are my top tips for writing your story. (If you’re not a Southern gal, you can still use these tips to write personal stories to pitch to other publications.)
(more…)I always encourage the women of See Jane Write to jot down 10 ideas every day to keep their creativity muscles toned.
Where can you find inspiration for 10 new ideas every single day? EVERYWHERE. Everything that you read, watch, and listen to can be inspiration. The things you’re thinking about and obsessing over can turn into stories, essays, articles, or even poems.
That’s why I love to share with you what I’m into.
Here’s what I’m currently reading, watching, listening to, planning, loving, and obsessing over.
(more…)The pandemic may keep me from being out and about the way I would like, but I’m still out here in these virtual streets!
There are three virtual events in my Day Designer* that I think are worth shaking off your Zoom fatigue. I’d love for you to join me.
(more…)It’s me — the 40-year-old version.
She doesn’t look how I imagined she would. Yet, she is still beautiful.
My life doesn’t look the way I had imagined either. Yet, it is still blessed.