5 Ways to Start Your Journaling Practice

Do you have a consistent journaling practice?

I have a confession. I’m obsessed with journaling. And I want you to be obsessed with journaling, too, because my journaling practice helps me in every single area of my life.   

In my journal, I flesh out ideas for articles, essays, blog posts, social media and the See Jane Write community. 

I use journaling to process my feelings and to better understand myself and the world around me. 

In my journal, I write my prayers, my fears, my hopes, and my dreams. 

I even run to my journal when my husband makes me angry. 

To be clear, I’m not talking about your run-of-the-mill “Dear Diary” kind of journaling. When I journal, I’m not just jotting down a recap of my day. I’m writing with intention. And this type of journaling can be transformative. 

If you’re interested in beginning your own journaling practice, here are some ways to get started. 


2022 Word of the Year

Did you have a word of the year for 2021? Have you chosen a word for 2022?

This is a practice I started nearly 10 years ago.

Back in 2013, I chose three words — joy, communion, and gratitude.

Through the years I’ve chosen words such as “magic” and “faith.”

I usually spend the first half of December choosing my focus word for the upcoming year. December is such a peculiar month for us all as we find ourselves simultaneously looking back and longing to move forward. For me, choosing a word of the year is a part of this.
