What do you want for Christmas?
It’s that time of year again when my close family and friends ask me what I want for Christmas and that time of year when I annoy them all by answering “December 26.”
Those who know me best know I’m not a huge fan of Christmas — a holiday that I believe drives individuals into debt and families into arguments — but I digress. I won’t bore you with my Bah! Humbug! routine.
Each year I appease my loved ones who are patient enough to actually want to buy gifts for a Scrooge like me by writing a blog post that I typically call the Writeous Babe Wish List. My hope is that it will give my family and friends some guidance on how to shop for me and give my readers some ideas of how to shop for the writeous babes in their lives.
Rookie Yearbook One, Two and Three
Even though I’m 33 years old one of the women I admire most in life isn’t old enough to drink. Eighteen-year-old Tavi Gevinson is the young woman behind Rookie Mag, an online magazine for teen girls. Each year, she publishes in book form a collection of the website’s best pieces from the past 12 months. She calls the collection the Rookie Yearbook. Because I’m still a girl at heart, I would like Santa to bring me all three editions.
This collection of essays by Roxane Gay has been on my “must read” list since it was published back in August. I’d love to kick off 2015 reading Bad Feminist.
Kate Spade iPad Case
I need a new iPad case and this Kate Spade iPad case needs a new home.
Gift Cards
You can never go wrong with gift cards.
In 2015 I’m going to attempt to run 1200 miles. This means 100 miles a month. This also means I’ll be giving Fleet Feet half my paycheck as I replace running shoes and gear throughout the year. Help a sister out with some Fleet Feet gift cards.
And speaking of gift cards, I plan to revamp my wardrobe in 2015, too. Support the cause with gift cards from The Limited so I can snag some Olivia Pope inspired couture and gift certificates from ModCloth so I can get some fabulous frocks like the one pictured above.
What’s on your holiday wish list?
Did I hear you on NPR yesterday?
For about a year and a half now I’ve had the honor of writing a monthly column for WBHM 90.3 FM, Birmingham’s NPR station. And for the past year, in addition to writing for I also discuss my post for the month on air.
This month’s essay is about learning to love my name and learning to be proud of where I’m from.
Having a name like Javacia isn’t easy. When I introduce myself to people they typically look at me as if I’m a green girl from Mars. And there was a time when I worried that my unique name could be a liability. One look at my name and you know I’m black and I’ve been told that some potential employers might not hire me because of that. In my WBHM post I discuss how becoming a writer changed how I viewed my name.
Being from Birmingham isn’t easy either. People who’ve never stepped foot in the state of Alabama think they know what Birmingham is all about and criticize my Magic City. And to make matters worse, some Birmingham residents are ashamed of their home. But just as I had to respect my name before I could expect other people to do so, we must be proud of our city if we ever want perceptions of Birmingham to improve.
Visit to read my post and listen to my radio segment.
Each day in November for #bloglikecrazy I’ll be publishing a blog post that answers your questions about blogging, social media, writing, wellness or women’s empowerment. Send your questions to
Have you heard the new Beyonce songs?

If you know me well you know I am a huge Beyonce fan. So I felt like a kid on Christmas morning when I heard that two new songs from her upcoming platinum edition of Beyoncé had leaked.
Initially, I was rather underwhelmed by “7/11,” an unremarkable club track that just reminded me why I no longer go clubbing.
But I must admit that the video is ridiculously fun and makes me want to plan a girls trip ASAP. The more I watch the video, the more “7/11” grows on me. Beyonce, what kind of spell do you have on me?!
The better of the two songs, by far, is “Ring Off.” In this loving lyric to her mother, Bey sings about how she now understands the struggles of being in a failing marriage and acknowledges the sacrifices her mother made through the years:
You used to dress and fix your hair/ then you’d smile through your tears/ In the mirror you would stare and say a prayer/ like I wish he said I’m beautiful/ I wish it didn’t hurt at all/ I don’t know how I got here/ I was once the one who had his heart…
But this is no sad love song. Beyonce declares that that Ms. Tina has taken that “ring off” and now “the fun begins” and she “can love again” and now she’s happier than ever.
Click here to check out both songs for yourself.
Each day in November for #bloglikecrazy I’ll be publishing a blog post that answers your questions about blogging, social media, writing, wellness or women’s empowerment. Send your questions to
How can I get more involved with See Jane Write?
How can I get more involved with See Jane Write? — that is a question I love to hear!
Being a part of See Jane Write is quite simple. Here are 3 easy things you can do:
1) Sign up for our weekly newsletter. This is the best way to stay up-to-date about upcoming events and other opportunities. If you’re not receiving the weekly newsletter click here to sign up now.
2) Actually read the newsletters. Look, I get it. You probably receive hundreds of email messages a day and so those messages in the “Promotions” folder of your Gmall account are often ignored. But missing a newsletter could mean missing an event (or even an announcement about a job opportunity). For example, at the beginning of the month I hosted a four-hour blogging workshop to kick off #bloglikecrazy. Because I wanted to give the workshop attendees hands-on, one-on-one help, there were only 10 spaces available. See Jane Write members were informed of this workshop first and then those who subscribe to the See Jane Write newsletter. The workshop sold out in less than 48 hours. Afterwards, I received several emails from women who wanted to attend the workshop but said they didn’t find out about the event until after all the tickets were gone. And some of these women subscribe to the newsletter. I felt awful that I couldn’t make room for them. But this story illustrates why it’s important to not only subscribe to the newsletter, but to make time to read it, too.

3) Become an official member. Currently, membership is $25 per year but membership rates will increase beginning December 31. Advantages to membership include an opportunity for early registration for limited seating events, invitations to special members-only events and workshops, and discounted tickets to See Jane Write conferences. Additionally, perks such as job opportunity announcements, discounts to local blogging and social media conferences, and other special offers frequently extended to See Jane Write are available to members. Right now I’m also offering premium membership for $100 per year which will get you all the benefits of basic membership plus four one-on-one consultations with me about blogging, freelance writing, or social media. I will not longer offer premium memberships beginning December 31. Click here to apply for basic or premium membership.
Each day in November for #bloglikecrazy I’ll be publishing a blog post that answers your questions about blogging, social media, writing, wellness or women’s empowerment. Send your questions to