Resolutions for Women Who Write

resolutions for women who write
Image via B-Metro

If you are a woman writer, this year resolve to write—by any means necessary. You are a writer and perhaps you are also a wife, a mother, a sister, or a career woman. You are a writer and most likely you are also a daughter, a lover, and a friend. Last year there were probably very few days when you failed to mother or to love or to be the best employee, boss, or homemaker that you could be. You may not have been perfect, but you always gave it your all.

But last year there were probably many days when you failed to write. You didn’t go to that workshop you wanted to attend. You didn’t write that poem, story, or essay in your head. You didn’t jot down those ideas you had for a compelling new character or a captivating new blog post. You didn’t write because you just didn’t have the time, because you were busy being a good mother, lover, wife, sister, daughter, or friend. You were busy being the best employee, boss, or homemaker that you could be. You couldn’t carve out time to write, you told yourself, because that would be selfish.

But you were wrong.

Maybe you’re hesitant to call yourself a writer because it’s been so long since you did spend hours at your favorite coffee shop writing in your journal or working on your blog. It’s been too long since you’ve spent a day at your computer drafting the next chapter of your novel. Perhaps you’ve never done these things.

But you are a writer. So this year, resolve to write…

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Member of the Month: Brie Cash

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The See Jane Write member of the month is Brie Cash of the I Am Woman Network.

When I met Brie last year, I had no idea she was facing so many hardships because, quite frankly, she always looks fabulous.

But as the old saying goes, you can’t judge a book by its cover.

“I have spent the last year and a half in a nasty custody battle,” Brie shares. “Most of 2015 I was homeless going from friend to friend.”

But from these hardships was born an idea — the I Am Woman Network.

“I prayed for purpose and He gave me a vision that is leading to my purpose,” Brie says, explaining that the I Am Woman Network exists to “equip and empower women to live purposefully.”


Self-Care is a Feminist Issue

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“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” – Audre Lorde

Last year See Jane Write almost killed me.

I put so much time and effort into building See Jane Write into a business — while still teaching full time and taking care of family matters — that I often sacrificed sleeping, eating, and exercising for the sake of work.

And, of course, I got sick. Very sick. My body is still healing from all the damage done. But I’ve promised my body I will never hurt it that way again.

This year I promise to take care of myself and I’ve realized that to do so is a feminist act.


My Bad Feminist Fitness Goals

bad feminist fitness goals

Every year in addition to my blogging, business, and writing goals, I set lofty fitness goals for myself, too. You can’t write the next great American novel if you’re dead, right? And I also believe that when you’re a solopreneur your business can only be as healthy as you are.

Some of my fitness goals I’ve conquered; others — not so much. In 2014 I set out to exercise for at least 30 minutes every single day for 365 days. And I did it! I was even invited to appear on Talk of Alabama to discuss this fantastic fitness feat. Last year, however, I tried to run 1200 miles and failed miserably.  Because of my insanely busy schedule, I gave up about half-way through the year.

Regardless of the goal, however, I am quick to say things like “I don’t want to be skinny; I want to be strong” and “It’s not about how my body looks, it’s about how my body feels.” And all that is true — sort of.

I don’t want to be skinny. I do want to be strong. I do want to feel great and healthy. But I also want to be hot. This probably makes me a bad feminist, but I’d rather be a bad feminist than a dishonest one.

So today I’m sharing with you my bad feminist fitness goals for 2016, but will attempt to balance out each one with a goal that focuses on what my body can do and not just how it looks.


Javacia’s January Goals

january goals

“Finishing things creates momentum.”

2016 is here and if you’re anything like me you’ve been busy planning and goal setting for the year. But I don’t believe that setting yearly goals is enough, and neither is setting 90-day goals. I believe you also need what I call Momentum Moves.

Momentum Moves are monthly, weekly, and daily tasks you complete to create momentum and move closer to accomplishing your long-term goals. And this is why I not only set goals for the year but also for each month.
