Hello, March

March 2016

Hello, March. It’s nice to see you.

I’ve decided you will be the month that changes everything.

I have serious decisions to make about my business, about my blog, and about my writing career. And I’ve decided I won’t let you leave me before I do.


Can You Write Your Life Into Existence?

octavia butler
Image by thestoryscape via Blavity

I’m a girl obsessed with goals. I write yearly goals, monthly goals, and even goals for the week.

But so often these goals get lost in my litany of daily tasks. When my daily to-do lists and my lofty aspirations go head to head in battle, the to-do list wins — always.

Then I think of Octavia Butler, the black woman warrior writer who, as Kiara Collins so perfectly stated in a recent article for Blavity, “literally wrote her life into existence.”


Ready to Get Your Blog in “FORMATION”?

beyonce is my spirit animal

Well, I did it. I snagged two floor seat tickets to Beyonce’s Formation Tour!

One of my best friends and I will be heading to the Nashville show come May 5!

Ever since Mrs. Carter dropped her new single “Formation” the day before the Super Bowl I have, of course, been thinking of lessons we lady bloggers and lady bosses can learn from the message of “Formation” and from the public’s reaction to the song and video.

And her song also inspired me to create a new mini e-course that I’m excited to tell you about today!  

But first, here are five things I think Beyonce’s “Formation” teaches us:


Celebrate Yourself at SOL Dance Experience


What is SOL Dance Experience?

Finding the words to describe SOL Dance Experience is no easy task.

The SOL Dance Experience website simply states: “SOL Dance Experience is a LIGHTS OUT, free-form dance session for women of all fitness levels.”

And you could go to SOL Dance Experience to get in your exercise for the day. Dancing your heart out for a whole hour will certainly help you work up a sweat and burn off some calories. But to call SOL a fitness class just doesn’t seem sufficient.

You could go to SOL Dance Experience simply because you love to dance, but this isn’t the time to work on your technique or to show off your skills. You truly are in complete darkness, save the glow-in-the-dark tabs (or fireflies as the session leaders call them) that help you stay in your own area and keep you from bumping into other dancers.

The SOL mantra is “Find your light in the dark.”

Last night I went to SOL Dance Experience to celebrate my 35th birthday with a dozen members of See Jane Write. Using SOL Dance Experience as a birthday party isn’t necessarily a thing, but I certainly think it will become one after last night’s session.


35 for 35

bday girl

I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. I was becoming one of those people who start feeling down as their birthday approaches. This was happening to me, me who looked forward to 30, me who often utters the words, “I can’t wait to turn 40!” because my friends over 40 are so fabulous and fierce.

Yet as I saw 35 in the horizon I started to feel sad, even a little scared. Is this it? I asked myself. Is this all I will ever become? Are my best years behind me? 

But then my hard-won confidence and past accomplishments put an end to that pity party. I wrote myself instructions on How to Turn 35 and now I’m taking my own advice.

As I turn 35 I will laugh, I will dance, and I will dream as I did as a girl.

So today I will bring back an old tradition. I’ve created a list of 35 things I want to do while I’m 35.

But, first, I want to tell you about a deal I’m offering this month in honor of my birthday.

I am offering 35-minute consultations via Skype for only $35. If you have a specific matter regarding blogging, writing, or building a personal brand or business that you’d like to discuss with me, this is the perfect deal for you. You can purchase your session here, then email me so we can schedule our session. It’s my birthday, but I wanted to give you a gift.
