5 Things I Read This Week

5 things

Some nights when I can’t sleep I do the very thing you should not do when you can’t sleep: I reach for my phone. I know that staring at the light from the screen is going to keep me awake till daybreak but I do it anyway. I grab my phone and binge read blog posts.


Things to Do in Birmingham: 8.18.16

Jazz Flutist Kim Scott
Jazz Flutist Kim Scott

If you’re a Birmingham babe, kick off your weekend with a performance of Cirque du Soleil: TORUK.

From artsBHAM:

When a natural catastrophe threatens to destroy the sacred Tree of Souls, Ralu and Entu, two Omaticaya boys on the brink of adulthood, fearlessly decide to take matters into their own hands…So begins the adventure of Cirque du Soleil’s TORUK – The First Flight. The arena spectacular brings the world of James Cameron’s AVATAR to Birmingham’s Legacy Arena for five performances only: August 19 – August 21, 2016! Tickets are priced beginning at $33.00 (prices subject to change).

Tickets can be purchased at CirqueduSoleil.com/TORUK or by calling 205-458-8400.

Because brunch is bae, start Saturday with Birmingham Restaurant Week’s inaugural brunch festival, set for August 20, at noon. This event will bring together some of the “best of the brunch” restaurants of Birmingham and will feature hot, iced and nitro coffee from Royal Cup, mimosas, wine from United Johnson Brothers, sodas and lemonade from Buffalo Rock. Get more information here.

Then end the evening with jazz flutist Kim Scott. In celebration of the release of her third album “Southern Heat” Kim will give a concert Saturday, Aug. 20 at 7 p.m. at the Alabama School of Fine Art’s Dorothy Jemison Day Theater. Presented by Magic City Smooth Jazz, she’ll be performing all the music from the album, including her newest Billboard charting single, “Sizzle”, with some of her most talented musician friends. There will be a pre-concert reception for VIP attendees, surprise musical guests and much more. The album will be released for sale immediately following the show. Tickets and info at http://www.djdtheater.org.

What are you doing this weekend?

My Life Is Not My Blog


Energetic. Bubbly. Joyful.

These are all words people have used recently to describe me.

One person even said, “I wonder if you ever have a bad day.”

Another said she admires me because I am “so together.”

While these comments are sometimes flattering, sometimes that make me wonder if I’m being fake.


Six-Word Memoir


Yesterday was my first day back in the classroom for the 2016-2017 school year. Every August I kick off the year by having my students write and share a six-word memoir.

Once asked to write a full story in six words, legend has it that novelist Ernest Hemingway responded: “For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.


How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

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When I was a young girl I was terribly shy. Though I could be relatively outgoing when around close family members and friends, just the thought of speaking in front of people I didn’t know intimidated me.

Fast forward to adulthood: Today I am a teacher and a freelance journalist and someone who’s often paid to speak to large audiences on topics ranging from blogging and business to writing and women’s empowerment.

So how do you overcome a fear of speaking in public? By speaking in public!

You can’t talk yourself out of a fear. You have to feel the fear and do it anyway, again and again, and eventually the fear will melt away.
