How to Blog Consistently Even When Life Sucks

blog consistently

Last month I decided that beginning August 1 I would update my blog 5 days a week.

I couldn’t have picked a worse time to do this.

This month school started, which meant I’d have to juggle blogging (and freelance writing and business building) with my full-time teaching job. And the week I had to go back to work my mother also had to be put in the hospital. So after work I wasn’t going straight home to work on blog posts but instead going to take care of my mom. And to top it all off I was having health problems of my own.

But I did it, anyway.

Despite everything going on, I still managed to blog 5 days a week this month. Here’s how I did it and how you can blog consistently, too, even when life sucks.


5 Things I Know For Sure

Photos by Brendon Pinola via StyleBlueprint Birmingham

Writing Prompt: Write about the five things you know for sure. Here are mine:

1. God is Love and Love is Life. When it comes to faith, I have more questions than answers. Though I identify as Christian because I love Jesus, organized religion confuses me to no end. It always has. It probably always will. But I am sure that God is Love and Love is Life. My life should center on loving others and loving myself. I believe this is how we worship. This is why I consider my marriage a ministry and my feminism a divine calling. When I serve my husband, when I join hands with the women of my tribe to help them make their dreams come true, these are holy acts. When I share pillow talk with my husband, when my friends and I share secrets over a bottle wine (or two), this is communion.


30 Things I Love Right Now


(1) Lion Babe’s Sun Joint | (2) The Suicide Squad soundtrack. | (3) Frank Ocean’s Channel Orange. Yeah, I know he just released a new album, but I like the old stuff better.| (4) Blogging 5 days a week.  | (5) Blog dates with bae. | (6) CoSchedule. It’s changing my life.  | (7) The Question of the Day in the See Jane Write Facebook group.  | (8) My Jem and the Holograms Synergy earrings. | (9) My Wonder Woman desk chair cape. | (10) My Wonder Woman clutch.  | (11) Binge reading blogs like Quirky, Brown Love. | (12) Interviewing women I admire for my B-Metro Write Like a Girl column.  | (13) Thinking of a master plan… | (14) Queen of the South on USA. | (15) The Get Down on Netflix. | (16) Greenleaf on OWN. | (17) Losing myself in good books and bad TV.  | (18) Watching bad movies with good friends. | (19) Watching my favorite boss babes on Periscope.  | (20) My work lunch bunch.  | (21) Marshmallow Creme Pumpkins.  | (22) Tacos. Always and forever. | (23) Being my husband’s wife. | (24) Being a homeowner. One year later and it’s still not old. | (25) Finally realizing “No” is a complete sentence. | (26) Training for my third half marathon.  | (27) The decision to break new ground.  | (28) Believing I can do the one thing I’ve always dreamed of doing. | (29) Believing that I will.  | (30) Dreaming bigger than I ever have before.

30 Things I Love Right Now is a blog feature created by writer TJ Beitelman. 

5 Things I Read This Week


How Blogger Luvvie Ajayi Is Keeping Us Laughing All the Way to the Bank

Luvvie Ajayi of the wildly popular blog Awesomely Luvvie describes herself as a 13-year overnight success. In this profile by xoNecole writer Kiah McBride, we learn Luuvie’s story of how she has turned a blog she just started as a fun creative outlet into a brand that has landed her a book deal, an interview with Oprah, a chance to work the red carpet at The Academy Awards, and countless paid campaigns. Read her inspiring story here.


Things to Do in Birmingham: 8.25.16

sidewalk fest

Earlier this week I interviewed one of Birmingham’s top education professionals for one of my freelance writing gigs. I asked her about her hobbies and after telling me about her favorite places and things to do in Birmingham she said, “If you’re bored in Birmingham, that’s your fault.”

I couldn’t agree more and that statement is especially true this weekend.
