What is the one word you live by or strive to be?
What is the one word you live by or strive to be?
Name a woman who has shaped Alabama for the better. What difference has she made in the lives of those around her?
That’s the question Alabama Media Group posed to readers for its second annual search for the Women Who Shape the State. I am honored to announce that I was one of the more than 100 women nominated and one of the 30 women selected to be recognized this year!
At the risk of sounding old and out-of-touch, I must admit to you that I didn’t sign up for Snapchat until about a year ago because for the longest I thought it was just an app teenagers used for sexting. And even though I now have an account, I think I’ve used it twice.
Snapchat is not my jam.
It’s almost time to blog like crazy!
Every November I challenge the ladies of See Jane Write to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days. This may sound impossible, but I promise you it’s not. And you don’t have to lose your sanity to pull this off.
Here are things you need to do so that you can #bloglikecrazy without going crazy:
Reading: I’m always reading about five books at once. One I just recently started is I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual by Luvvie Ajayi . As you would expect from Awesomely Luvvie, the is laugh-out-loud funny and “a guide to getting some act-right online and in real life.” In the book introduction Luvvie writes, “This book is what Millennial Iyanla Vanzant would give you before you get to the point where you have to sit on her couch for fixing. Luvvie will be speaking at the Blogalicious conference next month in Atlanta which I’ll be attending, with a hard copy of her book and a fresh Sharpie in tow.