Why I Won’t Shut Up About Being a Girl or Being Black


Lady. Babe. Girl.

These are three of my favorite words,

but some of my fellow feminists believe I should expunge them from my vocabulary.

Yes, I am a feminist, which means I believe in the equality of the sexes, which means I want equal pay, equal opportunities, and equal respect.

This does not mean I want society to pretend I am not female.

Earlier this year a widely read blog for female creatives wrote a eulogy for the popular hashtag “#girlboss.”

“Would a man ever call himself a boy boss?” the writer asked.

Probably not. But who said I was trying to do business like
a man?

A reader of my own blog, SeeJaneWrite.net, took offense recently when I called myself a lady writer and referred to my personal notebook as my lady journal.

Look. I get it. I understand that “girl,” “lady,” and “babe” are all words sometimes wielded against women as a verbal weapon to put us in “our place.” But it was when I decided to reclaim and redefine these words for myself that I found the courage to take my place. I found the courage to take a seat at the table and, with all my girl power and lady might, flip the table over.

I don’t call myself a girl boss so I will be less threatening to the male ego. I call myself a girl boss because I want you to know I can take your job while wearing pink and flipping my hair, if that’s what I choose to do.

This is why I won’t shut up about being a girl.

I’m also not going to shut up about being black…

Read the entire article at B-Metro.com. 

I Am a Mess

women who inspire
In October of 2015 I was honored by Girls on the Run Birmingham as one of four local “Women Who Inspire,” along with Girls on the Run founder Molly Barker. But at the time I didn’t feel very “INSPIRATIONAL.”

A year ago today I was at the Clubhouse on Highland being honored by Girls On the Run Birmingham as one of the city’s “Women Who Inspire.” I walked through the door and was greeted with handshakes, hugs, and a hot pink sash that read. “Inspirational.” I draped it across my body noting the nice contrast with my grey dress. I smiled as my proud husband took my photo for the obligatory Facebook and Instagram posts.

But I felt like a fraud.

I didn’t feel inspirational. I felt like a mess.


4 Things to Do Today to Have a Successful 4th Quarter

Iron Bowl Saturday

This is it. There are 90 days left in 2016. October is here and we’re in the final quarter of the year. And as a football fan I love a good 4th quarter win. But this month if you see me strutting around holding four fingers in the air, it may not be for my favorite football team (Roll Tide!) but for myself and for the ladies of See Jane Write. I am declaring that this quarter is ours! Here are four things you should do today to claim that fourth quarter win.
