How to Never Run Out of Blog Post Ideas


The theme of this year’s Blogalicious Weekend, which I attended earlier this month, was “Content is Life.”

To be honest, even though I thought the theme was catchy I wasn’t quite sure what it meant. Yes, we all know that if you’re a blogger producing great content (and getting that content in front of the right people) is the key to success, but could this theme mean something deeper?


Writing for the World to Change


Regardless of your political beliefs, I am sure the past week has been emotional and stressful for you with social media feeds being filled with so much strife and discord. I was fortunate enough to spend Wednesday evening celebrating the release of a See Jane Write member’s first book. I shared this good news with you last week hoping it would lift your spirits, too. But I know it’s pretty impossible to just go back to business as usual.

So don’t.


My Feminist AF Gift Guide


Whether I like it or not, the holidays are upon us.

My closest friends know I’m not the biggest fan of Christmas. (Yes, I love sweet baby Jesus, but let’s all admit that this holiday has very little to do with Him.)

I can, however, be bribed into participating in your cookie swaps and ugly sweater parties.

If you’re wondering what to get me for Christmas, here’s “My Feminist AF Gift Guide.”


Happy Veteran’s Day

women in war

Each year I celebrate Veteran’s Day by watching the Maker’s documentary Women in War.

And this year I’m also thinking about all the women and men who have made sacrifices in the military and beyond so I could enjoy the rights and privileges I have today.

Because of the brave, I am free. And I will not waste this freedom. I will use it to live out my dreams and help others do the same.