

Sometimes Facebook games make for good blog posts, especially when it’s #bloglikecrazy month and you’re trying to blog every. single. day.

Here’s a fun one going around now: (more…)

My Body Image Issues Are Hurting My Blogging Career

5 Mantras That Get Me Through Tough Weeks

Is it just me or has this week seemed never ending. I thought it was Thursday two days ago!

My husband says he thinks last week’s presidential election destroyed the space-time continuum. And I think he’s right.

It’s weeks like these when I need to fill my mind with as much inspiration and affirmation as I can.

Here are five of my favorite mantras that help get me hard days and weeks that never seem to end:



Why Writers Should Use Snapchat


Karla Khodanian is my social media superhero.

Last night Karla led a workshop on Snapchat for the women of See Jane Write. I’ve said before that Snapchat is not my jam. For years I resisted even downloading the app because I thought it was just something teens used for sexting and even after I did sign up for an account I never used it because everyone I knew only used it make goofy pictures.
