Choose Your Own Adventure
See Jane Write is a website and membership community for women who write and blog founded by Javacia Harris Bowser. Through the See Jane Write Collective, you can get access to exclusive content, workshops, and virtual group coaching sessions. On the See Jane Write blog, you’ll find how-to posts and personal stories meant to educate and inspire.

Buy My Book
With personal stories and writing prompts, my debut essay collection will show you how to write your way through anything.

Join the Tribe
Join our FREE Facebook community and network with hundreds of women who are just as passionate about writing, blogging, and business as you are.

Work With Javacia
See Jane Write founder Javacia Harris Bowser is available for coaching and consultations, speaking engagements, and freelance writing gigs.
Founded by Javacia Harris Bowser, See Jane Write began as a Birmingham-based membership organization for women who write and blog. Today it is a website and community for women everywhere. We believe that all women have a story worth sharing and we want to help you find the creativity, confidence, consistency and community you need to finally share yours. If you’re ready to use your words and your story to make an impact and an income, you’re in the right place.

Hi, I’m Javacia!
Hi, I’m Javacia Harris Bowser, the founder and editor of See Jane Write. No, my name is not Jane. And See Jane Write isn’t all about me. It’s about you and other women who want to be the authors of their own lives, women who want to write and live a life worth writing about. I’m a blogger, a full-time freelance writer and an award-winning columnist. I’m living my writing dreams and I want to help you do the same.
“There have been so many things I’ve wanted in my life but never attained because I didn’t have a plan. And really, I didn’t know HOW to plan. As a result of lacking goal-setting skills, I lacked confidence. Since becoming a member of See Jane Write I’ve learned how to envision, realistically set goals and pursue my passions. See Jane Write will empower you by giving you useful information that will yield success!”
— Kwoya Fagin Maples, author of MEND and finalist for the AWP’s Donald Hall Prize for Poetry
“I would say the fact that I wrote my book, Fat Girl Power is a miracle except with the tools I learned from Javacia and See Jane Write, it never seemed impossible. I used the planning tools to achieve step-by-step goals and got closer and closer to seeing my dream come to fruition, and then it did! My book launch party was one of the happiest days of my life, and I have Javacia and See Jane Write to thank for it!”
— Jennifer King, blogger at and author of Fat Girl Power: How I Built Confidence Through Body Positivity, Fashion and Fitness
“When I joined See Jane Write, I knew if I wanted to write I needed like-minded friends to keep me writing, friends who understood the terror of an empty page and banged their heads on the desk at times in frustration. But I needed a community who cared for me as a person. Writing can be a lonely, soul-killing gig, and literary success an impossible dream. But See Jane Write makes all of that okay. It takes an impossible dream and turns it into real life.”
— Leslie L. Golden, blogger at The Istoriaphile’s Corner and author of Seasons Suite
“To hold my dream in my hands and know it was birthed through my literary midwives means that this book is priceless to me. Javacia and See Jane Write have been a safe place for me to grow with other women writers through workshops, critique sessions, and group discussions. I am so grateful for my tribe!”
— C.J. Wade, author of The Morning After
“The things I’ve learned in See Jane Write have literally changed my life. For instance, aside from figuring out how to blog and doing that for 9 years, I would have never even dreamed of self-publishing a book without going to an SJW event and hearing a member talk about her experience with self-publishing. I would have never felt confident enough to overcome my fear of public speaking without Javacia’s tips and tricks. And I wouldn’t have met people whom I now consider good, lifelong friends.”
— Audrey Atkins, freelance writer, blogger at, and author of They Call Me Orange Juice