Happy New Year!
Are you ready to tackle your 2021 goals?
Maybe you’re still struggling to set goals for the new year.
If so, I get it.
Usually, I’m a girl with goals galore. One of my friends says that my goals have goals. But when I tried to set goals for 2021 last month, I felt stuck at first. Due to cancer, COVID and everything else that happened in 2020, for the first time in my entire life I was afraid to dream. I was afraid to get my hopes up, afraid that 2021 will be just as bad as 2020 or worse.
We’ve all heard the saying, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
Well, I realized that I have to feel the fear and dream it anyway.
I gave myself a Dreaming Day and I used several journaling prompts to write the vision and make it plain!
Journaling Prompts to Help You Set Goals for 2021
What is your word for 2021 and why?
Related Reading: My Word for 2021
What are your values? How does the woman you want to be live out your values? What does she do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis? How does she show herself grace?
My values are faith, fitness/wellness, my family and friends, writing and creativity, feminism, community service, wealth, my home, and fun.
From this I made a list of things I want to do every day:
- Read the Bible and write in my prayer journal
- Exercise
- Drink 96 ounces of water
- Text a friend
- Read
- Tidy my home before bed
I’m challenging myself to do these things every day in January to set myself up for a successful year.
It is December 31, 2021 and I am so proud of the life I have created… (Describe what you want each area of your life to look like by the end of the year.)
Using my response to this prompt I came up with the following 2021 goals for myself:
- The See Jane Write Collective has 500 members.
- I have a publishing plan for my book.
- I have written for one of my dream publications.
- I landed a partnership with one of my favorite brands.
- I hosted a virtual small group.
- I walked 1200 miles.
- I paid off my credit card debt.
- I gave my home a mini-makeover.
- I read 40 books.
- I bought a new car.
You’ll notice that I write my goals as if they have already happened. Try it for yourself! Also, be sure to pick one goal that will be your top priority. Growing the See Jane Write Collective is my #1 goal for 2021.
Next, I recommend you set no more than 7 goals for the first quarter of the year and no more than 4 goals for January. All of these goals should be related. Your Q1 goals should be things that will help you achieve your goals for the year and your January goals should be things that will help you achieve your goals for the first 90 days of the year.
“I don’t believe in failure.”
Here’s something I want you to keep in mind.
When itcomes to dreams the journey is more important than the destination. Your worth is not tied to whether or not you achieve the goals you set.
Oprah Winfrey once said, “I don’t believe in failure. It’s not failure if you enjoyed the process.”
You will become a better person, a stronger person, simply because of the pursuit of your aspirations.
In the comments share your #1 goal for 2021.
Happy New Year! I am looking forward to 2021 completely annihilating 2020. CHEERS!
Yes! Love that energy!
My number 1 goal is to have a byline in a publication.
This will happen for you for sure!
My number goal is to publish my first book.
Happy New Year.
Yes! You can do it!