I can’t keep my own secrets. Perhaps this is an occupational hazard of being a writer. And perhaps this is why 15 Confessions is one of my favorite features of my blog.
In May, I shared a 15 Confessions post about cancer on WriteousBabe.com. It was quite the hit. I’m not sure I’ll ever top that one, honestly. But I’m pulling back the curtain once again, nonetheless.
Today I’m sharing 15 blogging confessions.
- I’ve been procrastinating on redesigning my blog for THREE YEARS!
- I often worry my best blogging days are behind me.
- Even though I know comparison is the thief of joy, I fall into the trap of comparing myself to other bloggers and writers at least once a
weekday. - I live in constant fear of my blog being hacked – again.
- Every month I come up with an idea for a new blog that my husband has to talk me out of starting.
- I once wondered if my blog and my Instagram would be more popular if I were skinnier and prettier.
- I miss the good ole days of blogging when we did it just for fun and not for funds.
- I often think about moving my blogging to my portfolio site so I can really be Javacia and not just Jane.
- I’m considering buying a wig for the sole purpose of blog photos.
- I don’t always blog like everybody’s reading.
- Sometimes I enjoy planning blog and social media content more than actually creating it.
- SEO is probably my least favorite thing about blogging.
- I want to grow my blog so I can reach more women — and so I can get invited to a special screening of The Bold Type.
- A local fashion blogger once called me “the blogger whisperer” and that was one of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten.
- Another local blogger once called me the Beyoncé of Birmingham and I was so happy I thought I would explode. Now my goal is for someone to call me the Beyoncé of blogging.
What do you have to confess?
I was so consistent on blog last year-posting once a week. I got to a good start this year but things kind of fell apart in April and May. Honestly, I was having trouble forming coherent thoughts, much less writing them down. I need to get back to it! Your blog is very encouraging.
I’m so glad my posts have inspired you to jump back on the blogging bandwagon!
My confessions – I blogged for over 2 years before I ever heard about SEO and analytics and signed up to be searchable. I used joked that until then even google could not have found my blog post no matter how hard they looked! And SEO is still the least favorite part of blogging for me. I often get fed up of blogging for business and just want to write what I want to write. And some days I do! And this is one of the few blogs I read consistently so thanks for sharing!
I think we should sometimes just want what we want to write. I think that’s the only way to not get completely burned out!
And thank you for reading my blog!
This was a great post.
Thanks for sharing your vulnerability here. I can relate to a few of these things. I wrote my most read blog post years ago… I use to think my blog was not pink enough, didn’t have enough fashion & makeup to popular.
Thank you so much for reading. I think we bloggers all deal with similar doubts and struggles.
Thanks for sharing. My confession is I think I secretly keep postponing launching my blog out of fear. But, I’m not even sure if I know what to be afraid of.
Remember, we gotta feel the fear and do it anyway!
A few early thoughts:
1.Only 3 years? I’ve been sitting on a novel for 6!
2. We all worry our best is behind us. And I worry about my behind!
3. So far, the only thing that stops my comparitorium is a whole Lotta Carbs. Which increases the Behind I worry about.
4. I live in fear mine will never be read. Ever.
5. I thought I could write about more DIY misadventures. My hubs doesn’t mind the writing but he’s Leary of the DIY
6. I wonder if I’d suck at TikTok as much as I do at Instagram and Twitter.
7. Blogging was fun? What year was this? I missed it, didn’t I?
As for the rest you can be Javacia, Beyonce or Jane, buy a wig or shave your head. I’m still going to read your stuff and count myself lucky to be in your circle of acquaintance. I’d be truly lost without your friendship.
Oh yeah, and SEO stands for It Sucks; it’s Expensive and it’s Ojectionable. But I guess it’s part of the job.
Leslie, you are too kind. I’m so glad you’re a part of the SJW tribe. Also, these confessions are awesome. And I’m not even going to try TikTok!
Awww! Vulnerability sells.
Thanks for being open. I’m glad I found your blog. You are an answered prayer to ‘God, I need a new circle of writer friends. I am tired of doing it all on my own.’
Right now, I am humming, ‘thank God I found you, by Mariah Carey.
Here are my confessions
1. I may never migrate to a self hosted site.
2. My books may not become bestsellers.
I’m glad you found the See Jane Write community. We’re here for you!