This week I got to write a story for one of my favorite local magazines. I was interviewed for a podcast. I got to meet with tourism bureaus who want to pay for me to travel to their cities. I got paid to help women write and see their writing in print. I got paid to blog for a woman-owned business that I love. And I had meetings for two potential partnerships that could allow me to have more impact and make more income in 2020.
I’m not going to lie — this week made me feel like a badass babe. But here’s the thing: I didn’t do anything this week that you can’t do, too.
In fact, there’s nothing I’ve done that you can’t do!
All the opportunities that I’m currently enjoying, opportunities that allowed me to quit my day job earlier this year, I have because of my “little blog that could.”
I call it that because See Jane Write has taught me that you can do a lot with a little. I don’t have a huge blog readership. I have a small social media following and email list, too. But my blogging philosophy has always been “people not pageviews.”
If you want to get paid to write for media outlets and businesses or get paid to travel or speak, you can do all of these things and more and I believe your blog — even if you have a small readership — can be the key to unlocking these doors.
But there’s a catch. You have to be willing to think beyond the blog. You have to be willing to think about the people you want to read it. You have to be willing to cultivate community.
On March 24, 2011, I launched See Jane Write, the blog. But on March 24, 2011, I also launched See Jane Write, the community. And since March 24 not a day goes by when I’m not thinking of ways I can help the women of See Jane Write reach their goals of using their writing to make money and make a difference.
Zig Ziglar once said, “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want.”
I believe this with every fiber of my being because this is what is happening to me right now because of See Jane Write. And it all started with blogging.
Your blog is your foundation. It’s your online home where you begin to build your brand by clearly conveying your mission and establishing your expertise. It’s where you share content to help your readers get to know, like and trust you.
But the blog is just the beginning. Once you build that blog you’ll then need to build a community around it. And if you’re helping your community make their dreams come true, they’ll help yours come true, too.
This month I’m launching a new e-course that will share my blogging journey and all I’ve learned along the way. When the course launches I’ll be offering a 50% discount through Black Friday, but only to people on my special VIP list. Click here to get on the list.