super cute photo found here

I’m not a fashion blogger, but I regularly read the Independent Fashion Bloggers website because it always features such great tips for bloggers of any niche.

At the beginning of this month I came across a blog post on that website on 31 Ways to Boost Your Blog into 2013. Taylor Davies gave a list of 31 things to do in the month of December to make for a more successful blog in the New Year. Unfortunately, I didn’t see this post until a few days into the month and since I’m not a fashion blogger several items on the list didn’t really apply to me. Then I thought, “I feel another blogging challenging coming on!”

Drawing inspiration from Davies’ post, I’ve put together a list of my own: 31 Days to a Better Blog. Here are 31 things to do in January (that’s one task for each day) to improve your blog. What a great way to kick off the New Year.

Below is the entire list so you can play along, but each day I’ll be posting at or tweeting @writeousbabe about the tasks (with the hashtag #31Days).

If you plan to join me on this challenge let me know in the comments so I can swing by your blog to check on your progress.

Happy blogging!

31 Days to a Better Blog

  1. Carve out a new niche for yourself. Create the blog you wish existed!
  2. Create an editorial calendar and stick with it!
  3. Update your Twitter header.
  4. Write a mission statement for your blog. 
  5. Revamp your About page (and include that new mission statement). 
  6. Redesign your header. 
  7. Take a photo that you will use on all your social networking sites and add the photo to your blog as an “About Me” graphic that links to your About page. 
  8. If you’ve been thinking about changing your URL, title or platform, do it! 
  9. Sign up for a blogging class or conference.
  10. Recommit to being more engaging on Facebook and Twitter. 
  11. Dust off your LinkedIn profile. Believe it or not, I’ve had more people contact me about writing and social media gigs through LinkedIn than Facebook or Twitter. 
  12. Update your Google profile. 
  13. Learn how you can use Pinterest to boost your blog. 
  14. Update your blogroll. 
  15. Now recommit to leaving thoughtful comments on most of those sites in your blogroll. 
  16. Cut ties with some of your tweeps to streamline you Twitter experience. 
  17. Make commenting on your blog easier.
  18. Organize an event for bloggers in your area.
  19. Get connected with an online blogging community such as BlogHerSkirt or IFB.
  20. Make a pitch to be featured on or to contribute to one of your favorite blogs. 
  21. Make a pitch to be featured in local (or even national) media. 
  22. Start a video post feature on a topic related to your niche. 
  23. Post an interview with someone you admire. These posts generally bring lots of pageviews.
  24. Introduce yourself to important people in your niche. 
  25. Blog about a controversial topic. These posts are shared over and over in cyberspace and are sure to bring you more traffic.
  26. Start an e-newsletter.
  27. Have a blog date. Go to your favorite coffee shop and blog for hours.
  28. Highlight your best blog posts. 
  29. Cover a local event. These types of posts tend to be popular, too.
  30. Compile a post of all the lesssons you’ve learned about blogging thus far. Your readers who are also bloggers will appreciate it, and this will be a great post for you to refer back to when you feel you’ve lost your way.
  31. Create a list of great blog post ideas for 2013.