Do you have a great idea for a website or blog but just can’t seem to bring that idea to fruition?
Maybe you have too many blog ideas and you’re having trouble finding your focus.
Or perhaps you’ve already launched your website but now you’re stuck in a rut, struggling to take your blog to the next level, or plagued with blogger’s block.
If any of these scenarios sound familiar, then you need Blogging Boot Camp.
With Blogging Boot Camp I will help you do the following:
- Set up and launch or relaunch your blog
- Write a killer About page
- Create an editorial calendar and develop regular features for your site
- Overcome blogger’s block
- Develop a plan to help you grow your readership
- Brainstorm ways to monetize your blog beyond Google ads
Blogging Boot Camp participants will attend a half-day workshop. Prior to the workshop participants will complete a questionnaire and have a brief one-on-one chat with me, See Jane Write founder Javacia Harris Bowser, to develop personalized plans for improving their blogs.
Why am I offering this program? I receive several emails each week from women who want help with their websites or blogs. I wish I could help them all, but with my hectic schedule that’s just not possible. But I do want to help who I can and I especially want to help women who are serious about growing their writing careers or building their businesses.
If you have questions or are interested in enrolling, email me at javacia@seejanewritebham.com.