When I gave a talk on the TEDxBirmingham stage on March 24, 2018, I accomplished a goal I’d had for years. (You can watch my talk here.) If giving a TED Talk is on your bucket list, too, now is your chance to make this dream come true. The organizers of TEDxBirmingham are currently accepting applications for the 2019 event, set for May 3-4, 2019. If you’re ready to shoot your shot here are some tips to help your application stand out from the rest for this or any other TEDx event.
How to Write a TED Talk
On March 24, 2018, I crossed off dream that had been on my bucket list for years. On March 24, 2018, I gave a TED Talk at TEDxBirmingham on writing, feminism, and how sharing your story can change the world. You can watch it here.
I think all writers should add “Deliver a TED Talk” to their list of goals and not just because it’s something I’ve done. The work that goes into composing a TED Talk can sharpen your writing skills and the preparation that goes into successfully delivering a TED Talk will improve your public speaking skills, which will come in handy when you’re asked to speak at a writing or blogging conference or when you’re doing a reading to promote your latest book.
Before you can deliver a good TED Talk you have to write one. I’m going to help you do just that with this post. And while the tips I’m going to offer you helped me write a strong talk, these are also steps that could be used to write a strong op-ed or personal essay.
From Tacos to TED Talks: 7 Years of See Jane Write
“Like so many good things, this story starts with tacos.”
That was the first line of the talk I gave on the TEDxBirmingham stage on March 24, 2018, which also happened to be the 7th anniversary of See Jane Write.
(You can watch my talk here!)
See Jane Write founder to speak at TEDxBirmingham 2018

On March 24, 2018 I’ll get the chance to cross off something that’s been on my bucket list for years: Speak at TEDxBirmingham.
Where Are Your Eyes? : Reflections on TEDxBirmingham 2016
Where are your eyes?
This was a refrain in the talk that writer Tammy Harper gave at Saturday’s TEDxBirmingham 2016. This was a question she asked as she challenged us to spend less time looking at screens and more time looking into the faces of our loved ones. And this question stuck with me throughout the day.