#BlogLikeCrazy is always a great time to bring back my 15 Confessions feature. Let’s go!
(more…)#BlogLikeCrazy is always a great time to bring back my 15 Confessions feature. Let’s go!
(more…)When you’re a writer or blogger it’s hard to take days off — especially if neither writing nor blogging is your full-time job.
If you want to be consistent with your blog, see your byline in your favorite publications, or finally finish your book, you often feel as if you have to spend every spare minute away from the day job working on your passion project. But I’ve realized this attitude does our writing (and our bodies) more harm than good.
(more…)#BlogLikeCrazy is always a good time to do another edition of “30 Things I Love Right Now” because — content! Let’s go!
(more…)My double chin. My belly bulge. My flabby arms. The wrinkles around my eyes.
These are all things I’ve let hinder my blogging career at some point.
(more…)Story ideas are all around you. Sometimes all you have to do is look in the mirror. Through the years, I have been inspired to write many stories simply by touching the hair on my head.
I’ve written about the natural hair movement for newspapers, magazines, and even public radio. I’ve shared my own hair story on those same platforms as well as on websites and blogs.
If you’re thinking it’s just hair, think again.